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Not exactly worth throwing away our freedoms for, eh?

4 thoughts on “Quite”

  1. Why should I accept any curtailment of my freedoms? I am not a convict, a pit bull terrier, or a muslim fundamentalist. I pay my taxes, uphold the law, present no threat.

    When they are training the schoolteachers, they make a great fuss about collective punishment, and how iniquitous and unfair it is to inflict it on the children. Well why inflict that on the population at large?

    Sorry, but the malefactors are easily identifiable. They are wearing uniforms for heavens sake. We are the targets of a declaration of war, made by a non-nation state with overwhelming popular support of its members.

    So no. Do not curtail my freedom. Curtail theirs.

  2. In order to have your freedoms curtailed, it is essential that you possessed those alleged freedoms in the first place.

    Good luck on finding them or even claiming them.

  3. When they are training the schoolteachers, they make a great fuss about collective punishment, and how iniquitous and unfair it is to inflict it on the children.


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