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Timmy elsewhere

At the ASI.

If only we could get the public health people to be doing public health.

4 thoughts on “Timmy elsewhere”

  1. So Much for Subtlety

    It’s not only Cimex lectularius that has gained new life in England; body and head lice, scabies and other parasites are thriving. More dangerously, London has equivalent multi-drug resistant TB infection rates to those in Asian, South American and Russian Federation areas. In Sheffield Hallam, as the Mail reports today, Roma overcrowding has allowed threadworm, hepatitis and rickets to thrive alongside TB, with children exhibiting signs of malnutrition.

    Ahh, immigration, the gift that keeps on giving.

    Of course it is impossible to talk about public health issues like these. Because it is racist innit? It is not Roma over-crowding for instance that causes thread worm, hepatitis and rickets to thrive along with malnutrition. It is the condition of being feckless. You could put a million Japanese people into conditions more crowded than that and I guarantee not one case of thread worm or rickets much less malnutrition. Hepatitis, well that might be harder.

    Much better to stick to bullying nice middle class White people. They don’t stab you.

  2. SMFS

    You could put a million Japanese people into conditions more crowded than that and I guarantee not one case of thread worm or rickets much less malnutrition.

    Correct. I live in Tohoku, and after our recent difficulties saw all sorts of projections of outbreaks of infectious diseases and breakdown of social order. None of those happened. In my small country town, locals with connections to the effected areas made collections and delivery runs of clothing, bedding, cooking kit etc. Displaced people were accommodated in public shelters (every community in Japan has access to a community funded community shelter).

    This is all bottom-up stuff, not top down. A nation with a shared sence of identity and purpose which polices itself.

  3. So Much for Subtlety

    Bloke in Japan – “This is all bottom-up stuff, not top down. A nation with a shared sence of identity and purpose which polices itself.”

    The joys of no immigration and effective policing over the past few hundred years. Compare and contrast with Haiti after its Earthquake. Still a nightmare of raping, looting and lynching four years afterwards. Or New Orleans after its hurricane. Another nightmare of raping and looting although with much less lynching. Compare this with Chile’s 2010 Earthquake – actually bigger than Haiti’s. Former Spanish colonies tend to be utterly incompetent, but apart from some looting, I was surprised how well they did.

    Now compare this with New York’s recent flooding – lots of nice middle class White people immediately started working to save their communities. Comment on the Japanese and their Earthquakes is redundant. I used to think that being middle class just made you resist the looting and the raping while teaching you how to run a food drive. I think I have changed my mind. The people whose response is not to rape have all become middle class.

    So let’s hope Britain does not go to war any time soon and does not face a major disaster. Because we have imported Haitians or people like them and we will get a Haitian response.

  4. You could put a million Japanese people into conditions more crowded than that and I guarantee not one case of thread worm or rickets much less malnutrition.

    This guarantee is characteristically worthless. Pinworm (what we call “threadworm”) is quite common among children in Japan. But perhaps less common than it is here, because infant schools require annual stool samples from the children so they can check. And a hundred years ago rickets was endemic in some areas of Japan: they still get a few cases.

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