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An important question

And if Hutton can’t grasp that, then why is he commenting upon matters economic?

15 thoughts on “An important question”

  1. if a private enterprise keeps on making mistakes – producing things the market doesn’t want or can’y get hold off it will go bust. If government makes mistakes, it keeps on pumping money in regardless of the result- doubling down on it’s failure.

  2. Because he’s an all-knowing INSEAD MBA and the poor saps in Hertford SCR haven’t drowned him in the Cherwell.

  3. Bloke in North Dorset

    The market taught us one lesson that Willy should have known about: think tanks run by Will Hutton don’t work.

  4. “The market taught us one lesson that Willy should have known about: think tanks run by Will Hutton don’t work.”

    Or think

  5. A bit like the claim that evolution is perfect. The only thing it makes are mistakes, but the species with the most mistakes are the ones you don’t see.
    Now when is someone going to breed a dog that tidies up its own shit?

  6. “You’ve filleted Woolly Willy thoroughly there.”

    Please pass the remains to a gender re-assignment clinic…

  7. “The market taught us one lesson that Willy should have known about: think tanks run by Will Hutton don’t work.”

    Well it was the staff that actually ended up not working.

    Willy was all right tho’. Soon ended up sheathed in some comfy billet provided by his MC/CM pals.

  8. Bloke in Costa Rica

    Hutton is like Simon Jenkins: one of those odd inverse barometers that are so reliably cretinous that you can use them as a near infallible guide to the truth simply observing what they write and adopting the opposite position.

  9. @ BiCR
    Not quite right.
    When he was working for Phillips & Drew his job was to relay information from their analysts who were prettyy good – it was only when he left talking about their advice that he went wrong.

  10. “The market taught us one lesson that Willy should have known about: think tanks run by Will Hutton don’t work.”

    Or think

    But it certainly tanked!

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