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Rising Population

The only major industrial country with a fertility rate that replaces its own population is the US. It\’s just hit 2.1 per woman again, why?

Also, American men are more likely to share childcare duties.

So, note to all of those who concern themselves with rising population numbers, those who think it\’s a bad idea. People do respond rationally to incentives, so you should be campaigning for less paternal leave, less involvement of fathers in their childrens\’ care and quite possibly, less State provided child care.

That\’ll be amusing to watch, as those who do obsess about population tend to be those who obsess about gender equality as well.

5 thoughts on “Rising Population”

  1. nuts to those reasons….immigration is the cause
    and the immigrants dont believe in all that stuff..except the extended family
    and you can seem them in my neighbor hood..
    immigrants families with grandma and several other olde people out taking walks together..

  2. nuts to those reasons….immigration is the cause
    and the immigrants dont believe in all that stuff..except the extended family
    and you can seem them in my neighbor hood..
    immigrants families with grandma and several other olde people out taking walks together..
    whoops forgot to mention baby cariages pushed by grandma

  3. I’d like to believe than EMButler’s screed was found in the journal of some New York hick in 1908. It’s such a perfect content- and context-free examle of the “they breed like rats” genre…

  4. My immigrant Irish ancestors bred like.. well, the expression we usually used was “rabbits” not “rats”, but there you are. It was true. They also lived in priest-ridden slums full of violence, drunkeness and dishonesty: also stereotyped and also true. Given that, I’m not inclined to assume that everything disobliging that’s said about immigrants is necessarily untrue.

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