Britain should not be afraid or ashamed of taking money from the International Monetary Fund, a senior Cabinet minister has told the Daily Telegraph.
There\’s no shame for Britain in asking for such help. No shame for Britons either. Just as someone attacked by thugs should not feel shame in asking for help from nurses and doctors.
However, the thugs in that case should feel shame, just as the politicians who have driven the economy into a state needing IMF help should feel shame.
Possibly shame to the extent of apologising, resigning, and handing over to those not as yet proven to be incompetent.
But then just as there\’s no honour amongst thugs there\’s none amongst politicians either.
Well, that’ll be some softening up then.
Amazing iznit? Britain back at the IMF. And yet still the classical liberals who foresaw this catastrophe are ignored.
“…handing over to those not as yet proven to be incompetent.”
Nice hedging of bets there… 😉
Without a shadow of a doubt, the “senior Cabinet minister” is Mandy. Who else could possibly say that going to the IMF should be regarded no differently than “going to a spa”.
“Amazing iznit? Britain back at the IMF. And yet still the classical liberals who foresaw this catastrophe are ignored.”
The IMF puts in strict restructuring requirements in order to bail out a country. So will the IMF do this for Gordon, and will Gordon stick by the terms of the bailout?