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From the Open Left archives

You know, someone really ought to be doing a proper fisking of these things (I can\’t, I\’m unemployed again and am therefore far too busy).

For example, from a College Lecturer, we get a glimpse of why the education system is so crap:

I could never be anything but left wing – my mother is the daughter of a South Yorkshire miner, a trade unionist and long time (but now relapsed) Labour Party activist.

That would be lapsed dear: relapsed would mean he had been, then wasn\’t and now is again.

An end to ‘privilege’ at all levels of society- so scrapping the monarchy, getting rid of hereditary peers, shutting down private schools and banning private health care.

Banning private health care? What, I can\’t buy my own aspirin now?

From a social housing consultant (the very existence of such a post is another sign of what is wrong):

Council’s have become associated with punitative taxation as a consequent of the Council Tax. This was a deliberate aim of the Conservative Party and its to Labour’s shame…

Err, Councils, consequence and it\’s. So we not only have leeches upon the public purse, we have illiterate leeches…..

7 thoughts on “From the Open Left archives”

  1. We also have allegedly intelligent people whose choice of political philosophy is……

    Because that’s what my Dad/Mum/Grandad was.

    Hellllo, you’re all grown uppy now, you can chose for yourself, mummy won’t send you to your room or cut your pocket money.

  2. “We also have allegedly intelligent people whose choice of political philosophy is……

    Because that’s what my Dad/Mum/Grandad was. ”

    Indeed. Such people only used to be called Chamberlain, Churchill or Benn, or carried odd handles like ‘Duke’ or ‘Viscount’ on their names. How stupid of the oiks to think that they should think for themselves, when they live on a society in which the rich have waged constant war on the poor for nearly 300, if not nearer a thousand, years.

  3. In order to avoid all privilege due to wealth, we should also shut down all restaurants and bistros, surely? After all, not everyone can afford to eat there. Maybe a state-run chain of lowest-common-denominator food joints, free at the point of need.
    Might be some queuing involved, mind you.

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