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Paul Ehrlich comes out in favour of GM crops

One recurrent theme in analyses of the food problem is the need for closing ‘yield gaps’ [72–74]. That means raising yields in less productive systems to those typical of industrial agriculture. But climatic conditions may change sufficiently that those industrial high yields can themselves no longer be sustained [45]. Thus, reducing the chances of a collapse calls for placing much more effort into genetic and ecological research related to agriculture [75] and adopting already known environmental-friendly techniques, even though that may require trading off immediate corporate profits for social benefits or long-term sustainability [3].

That\’s the way I would read that at least.

Thus, reducing the chances of a collapse calls for placing much more effort into genetic and ecological research related to agriculture


4 thoughts on “Paul Ehrlich comes out in favour of GM crops”

  1. So Much for Subtlety

    Oh my God. What is wrong with them then? How could I have been so foolish as to support them all these years.

    Time to sell shares in Monsanto.

  2. Aren’t we all dead by now? Or did some of us survive the wars, droughts, plagues and famines that have ravaged the developed world in the last half century?

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