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All is not entirely lost

So The Guardian runs the usual tendentious piece about how allowing people to “vape” will renormalise smoking cigarettes. Have a look at the comments section. Quite restores my faith in the good sense of humanity.

The basic point being made by 90% or more of the commenters being that the writer is peddling appalling untruths and really ought to get of that horse she rode in on.

5 thoughts on “All is not entirely lost”

  1. This thing has really shown the absurdity and dishonesty of the Temperance nuts.

    “We have to stop this thing because it’s dangerous”.

    “Okay. We’ve just invented this other thing that people can do instead, which isn’t dangerous”.

    “Well, we’d better stop that too then”.

    Bastard free market, putting state funded campaigners out of business. Shouldn’t be allowed.

  2. “Have a look at the comments section. Quite restores my faith in the good sense of humanity.”

    Third comment of the day:

    “As a non smoker I am unlikely to start gaping if I saw an advert for an e-cigarette.

    I am very likely to try injecting the nicotine fluid into my eyes if I thought I could get a cheap buzz though and as such should be protected from such advertising.”

    Not mine, it doesn’t.
    (Where does the Graun find these people?)

  3. Couldn’t resist:
    Guardian comment:


    “I am very likely to try injecting the nicotine fluid into my eyes if I thought I could get a cheap buzz though and as such should be protected from such advertising.”

    If that’s the effect adverts have on you, I really can recommend caustic soda for a stronger hit. See how you get on & let us know.


    Don’t suppose that’ll survive moderation for long…

  4. “really ought to get of that horse she rode in on”: if you are going to recycle tiresome American clichés, Tim, could you please get them right?

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