A cocky Hillary Clinton on Tuesday shrugged off the questions swirling around materials culled from her private email account which the U.S. intelligence community has since classified as ‘top secret,’ making light of a reporter who asked if she had ‘wiped the server’ clean.
‘What, like with a cloth or something?’ Clinton chuckled? ‘Well, no. I don’t know how it works digitally at all.’
Place that on the spectrum as you please.
She’s been seen with Saint Barack recently, so she’s safe for the minute…
Lady Justice isn’t blind in the US, and she votes Democrat.
Just because she doesn’t know how to do it, she could have got someone else to do it!
Clearly the focus group thought that was the best line for that situation.
What are the chances of a pre-emptive pardon from Barry?
She, Clinton treats the public, like a matronly school ma’am would speak to a recalcitrant child, and yet just who is this jumped up Democrat parrot?
Strewth, with such overreaching, arrogant confidence necessitates a big blowing **** off raspberry from the American electorate, surely?
Internationalists, Big Government aka the US Socialists, the corporate OWG financiersDemocratic strategists behind Clinton must assume that the ‘ethnic vote’ is in the bag, but what ‘white America; thinks is – another story.No wonder that, Trump is riding on a wave of revulsion at the political system, unfortunately the Republican vote will be hopelessly divided and that’s why Clinton is smiling broad.
I think if Bill’s statement ” I did not have sexual relations with that woman” had been in connection with Hillary, he might have been believed.
Some days I think David Icke might have a point after all.
Never mind all this email malarkey, Marco Rubio threw a football into a kid’s face!
Well, a Presidential pardon would do wonders for her campaign.
“Hi everyone! I’m Hilary Clinton and I am a pardoned criminal!”
Edward Snowden ” I should have changed my name to Clinton, run for president and made more jokes”
“Well, a Presidential pardon would do wonders for her campaign.
“Hi everyone! I’m Hilary Clinton and I am a pardoned criminal!””
No, they’d spin it as “President Obama absolved me of any wrongdoing” or something stupid like that.
If you think the pre-Guido-era BBC was in the tank for Lab, you ain’t seen nothing like the US MSM, who could probably be done for campaign finance violations for benefit-in-kind donations, the amount of free publicity and free propaganda they put out for the dems.
August 19, 2015 at 11:23 am
If you think the pre-Guido-era BBC was in the tank for Lab, you ain’t seen nothing like the US MSM,
I wonder how MSM is going to act starting in Feb. 2017. Will it be, “That was just Barack.” Rhymes with “That was just Joe [Biden].” They know Obama is a mess, yet go right along supporting him. Will they persist in supporting his atrocious policies after he’s gone?
“I wonder how MSM is going to act starting in Feb. 2017. Will it be, “That was just Barack.” Rhymes with “That was just Joe [Biden].” They know Obama is a mess, yet go right along supporting him. Will they persist in supporting his atrocious policies after he’s gone?”
I think it will be on a case-by-case basis, the only coherency being “is it politically convenient for the DNC at this precise moment to support/reject”. Echoes of Kruschev…
It’s impossible that she spent 5 years as SecState without sending or receiving a mass of classified emails. It’s impossible that the woman heading the IRS didn’t have auto-imaging of her laptop.
What’s astounding is the US media ignoring these facts.
They’re mostly arts grads who couldn’t get a proper job. So expecting them to understand the things they’re writing about is optimistic, to say the least.
I’m looking forward to the Trump vs Clinton debates. They’re going to be hilarious.
“So expecting them to understand the things they’re writing about is optimistic, to say the least.” – E. Grant
I think it’s worse than that. They have no curiosity to understand, just a blithe acceptance of what the Libtards tell them.
Should Republicans take the White House next year, the legacy press will do a 180, without skipping a beat, and, especially, not admitting they have changed. But then it will get even worse, they’ll crow about how tough they were on Obama. The surreal world of post modern America.
“Should Republicans take the White House next year, the legacy press will do a 180, without skipping a beat, and, especially, not admitting they have changed. ”
Suddenly they’ll rediscover the joy of “holding the administration to account”.
And “We did hold Obama to account, he was just so awesome there wasn’t much to criticise” will be said by a talking head on TV.
She might well be able to brazen this out. But if Trump implodes (and doesn’t do a Ross Perot) then whoever’s left might be in with a chance against her. Having said that, these really are pretty serious charges and anyone not at the centre of Democratic politics would have had their collar felt by now. She could still be indicted.
Q: Will it be okay for Bill to date while she’s in prison?
A: Why would he stop when she goes to prison?