I fear for my daughters and I feel an onerous responsibility for my son.
Sixty-three women killed by violence in this country this year.
It’s still only September.
Men who hate women so much they kill them with axes, burn them, stab them, beat them to death. They kill their children too or otherwise ruin their lives.
I want to know the story of each, and I try to find out. I don’t mean the “story” in a prurient “that’s a terrible/shocking/disturbing” story sense. I mean the set of circumstances that gives rise to Australian men doing such things. And in the end, despite the myriad personalities and the domestic circumstances involved, the family court orders and anything else, it crystallises down to one thing: entrenched gender imbalance.
Men assault, rape and kill women and their children because they think they have a right to. And that is a terrifying, overwhelming problem that should exercise all of us, but none more so than Australian blokes.
Yes, I think fuck off you cunt is the appropriate reaction here.
For of course killing people is wrong, no doubt about that.
And two thirds of Australian murder victims are male.
“it crystallises down to one thing: entrenched gender imbalance”: what a banana. Anyway, would he like to tell us how many of the murders were done by Abos? Then he could ratio that to their proportion of the population and discover whether he has shed any light on the subject.
I’m astonished he doesn’t have a beard.
Still, full marks to him for shamelessly exploiting murder to further his political agenda. The SJ Warriors really are the professionals at this. The bodies are usually still warm when they are picked up as weapons.
According to the SJW Bible, Shoreditch Islington edition of equinox 2004, all white heterosexual middle class males who hold down a job must accept responsibility for all the problems in the visible universe.
Yes, the high priests and priestesses of SJW think that we are responsible for everything.
Statistically the single person most likely to kill you if you are aged 10 or under is your birth mother.
Around 12% of calls to child help lines about sexual assault involve sexual assault by a woman and 2/3 of THOSE involve sexual assault by the child’s mother.
And it’s acknowledged that there is far greater reluctance to report sexual assault by a female than by a male.
Because the media continue to pump out the story that it’s only men that can be evil and nasty.
“Men assault, rape and kill women and their children because they think they have a right to.”
An interesting theory.
Given that the average man is far stronger then his partner or children you’d think it’d be happening all the time. You’d think the lifespan of a woman or child anywhere near a man would be measured in days at best before the berserker nature of man resulted in the inevitable axe wielding bloodbath. Quite frankly I’m amazed we’re not stepping over the freshly butchered corpses of women and children in the streets, slaughtered by men too impatient to wait to get home before unleashing their homicidal rage on their hated victims.
What a twat.
The largest area of “domestic violence” is the harming and murder of children. Most of which–despite the colossal publicity given to men who do this –Soham, Brady etc–is done by women. Yes those poor angels of the hearth . Who commit atrocious child killings everywhere on the planet. I had a article off the web (which I can’t retrace now) recounting some of the shit murdering mummies have got up to–drowning three kids in a locked car so she could run off with new boyfriend, a baby left to starve to death in an industrial pipe, several babies thrown out of windows during a fit of temper ( and no jail time–can you imagine what would happen to a man who did that?) and that is just the killings. Beatings and tortures handed out by the oh-so-delicate-femmi-flowers are much more common.
Human beings are what they are and the fantasy that women are some sort of special snowflakes is bullshit.
This Aussie prick needs to handed over to some prime femmi-scum for a little damage. His eyes would soon be opened to what women are capable of.
The headline is gold:
Men stab, rape and kill women because they can. It’s time to say they can’t.
Eureka! If only we had some sort of… rules… against assault and homicide.
Sixty-three women killed by violence in this country this year.
Sixty-three women who should’ve had the dinner on the table when their husband got home.
It’s still only September.
Coming soon: Stabtober.
Someone will always listen to the perpetrator’s “justification”, argue mitigation if instructed. A judge will always consider the arguments, such as they are.
It’s called “due process”.
The media, meanwhile, dwells on the victimhood of the dead women, asks again and again what more they could have done to protect themselves from murder.
A lot of women – especially prole women – like violent, sexy bad boys. They think it’s a good idea to have sex with muscly tatooed thugs with a hair-trigger temper and a criminal record. A not insignificant number of women are maimed or murdered every year because of their own fucking stupidity in repeatedly opining their doors and their legs to obvious psychos.
What can we do about that in a relatively free society? Not much, unless we’re willing to lock up people for life after they get into their first altercation outside the nightclub or their first ASBO.
We can’t force Sharon not to have tingles for big, burly, angry Shane. Besides, she’s sure she can change him.
men have to call each other out on their behaviour; name casual misogyny where they experience it
Because telling a blonde joke is a slippery slope to choking your wife to death in the shower.
older men must mentor the younger about the dangerous wrongs of the pervasive gender inequity in Australian society and what they can do to ameliorate it
If you want a picture of the future, imagine Harold Bishop wagging his fat finger in a young man’s face – forever.
who cares if nobody ever asks the WAGs what they think rather than just dwell on their gowns and figures?
Paul Daley: “But never mind your new brand of perfume… what do you think about Quantitive Easing?”
Posh Spice: “Piss off.”
We must tell them that our fellow men kill women because something about Australian society has conditioned them to think that they can.
Probably all the rape and murder in “Skippy the Bush Kangaroo”.
“And two thirds of Australian murder victims are male.”
Most of them murdered by men. Maybe there is a toxic part of masculinity that we should work on?
Matthew L: Yes there is–and the whining leftist Aussie cunt in question illustrates it exactly.
You deleted the bit about femmi-killers did you? Or do you have a plan to purge toxic femininity as well.
Many have had a go at reforming humanity root and branch from Robespierre to Pol Pot. It has never worked out very well. I certainly won’t be taking any instruction from anybody about who I should be. And esp not from some whining antipodean mangina.
The big story of modern humanity is how incredibly violent we aren’t. Sure, we notice the murders and muggings and beatings, but no-one thinks to point out how much we interact without doing that. And it really is phenomenal. Fill a rush-hour Tube with chimps who didn’t know each other, and it’d be a bloodbath. We have developed this incredible ability to live in close proximity in massive crowds and just ignore each other.
I suppose the shaming of those who still haven’t got the memo is an important part of how we achieve that, but I wish people would shame the bastards without claiming that we’re all bastards. We’re really not.
And this is coming from me, cynical anti-social misanthrope that I am.
Matthew L:
Maybe there is a toxic part of masculinity that we should work on?
Which ‘We’?
I think many here could help you locate your toxic part somewhere north of the neck.
“Most of them murdered by men. ”
Actually, at least over here (Finland), serious violence among couples and families is pretty much even. Women kill about as many husbands and children as men kill wives and children. In fact, women are slightly more violent, on average, if you look at statistics of homicides or GBH.
S2 – Fill a rush-hour Tube with chimps who didn’t know each other, and it’d be a bloodbath.
I’d watch that on Channel 5.
The astounding thing is how these people get away with their rubbish. There’s a complete lack of articles (beyond blogs like this) actually challenging them to explain how ordinary male behaviour is causally linked with murder, rape etc.
It’s all just an exercise in cum hoc ergo propter hoc but it never seems to get properly refuted.
“… it’d be a bloodbath.”
A tad rapey as well.
“The big story of modern humanity is how incredibly violent we aren’t”
Well the West is reasonably non – violent (although you have to exclude the US inner cities and their enrichment e.g. 7 dead last weekend in Chicago)
But the Middle East and Africa are still bloody violent, and our enlightened overlords have decided to export that to the west en masse.
As the saying goes “Thanks for Fuck all”
“The big story of modern humanity is how incredibly violent we aren’t.”
The murder rate is something like 1/10th of what it was in medieval England. And that’s about all this awesome capitalism that these enrobed cunts like the Pope and the Dalai Lama hate. When those fuckers had any power there was no capitalism in their countries worth speaking of, people struggled to live, and if someone tried to steal your family’s loaf of bread, it was you eating, or them. So violence was more common.
If you look at murder rates around the world, you have to go a long way down before you reach a liberal, free market, capitalist country. Estonia is 5 per 100K, USA at 4.7 per 100K. Venezuela? 53 per 100K. South Africa?31 per 100K. Brazil? 25 per 100K. So it’s a bit rich for someone in the Guardian to complain about the state of murder considering the results of the bastards they like supporting.
“And that is a terrifying, overwhelming problem ”
63 / Population 24,000,000
Terrifying? Overwhelming? Dude should be locked up for his own protection.
And that’s the point.
24,000,000 population and Aus is split 50/50 men/women so that’s 12,000,000 rampaging bloodthirsty axe wielding homicidal maniac males of varying ages and 12,000,000 helpless defenceless females of varying ages and 63 murders. If these Aus guys really are straining to be the murderous bastards we are led to believe they are, they’re not very good at it, are they?
A murder rate below one per hundred thousand per year is about as low as it gets these days. Australia is very near the bottom (or top) of the intentional homicide rankings.
“And that’s about all this awesome capitalism that these enrobed cunts like the Pope and the Dalai Lama hate”
See also the Vatican City, which is pretty much a monument to previous Popes and the power of their Papal armies.
Jesus, the old weird-beard, doesn’t get much of a mention. I mean, how many divisions did he have?
Moral preening.
Brainless moral preening.
Jack C,
I don’t have much of a problem with Jesus. I always took from the bible that Jesus was politically agnostic and about saving souls. He might have told people that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle for a rich man, but he addressed that to a rich man. He wasn’t telling a load of poor people to rob a rich man of his wealth for his own good.
There’s an inexhaustible supply of hysterical twats who haven’t read Stephen Pinker’s The Better Angels of our Nature, which IIRC shows murder rates declining even in Africa.
Being ignorant is no crime. But sicking your paranoid fantasies on your children is less forgiveable.
Lads mags and “beer culture” are the cause. So let’s ban them and solve the problem.
But what’s that I hear you say? Many Muslim countries have a much higher murder rate yet no beer or lads mags? SOPHIST WHORE!!
Actually, at least over here (Finland), serious violence among couples and families is pretty much even. Women kill about as many husbands and children as men kill wives and children. In fact, women are slightly more violent, on average, if you look at statistics of homicides or GBH.
Isn’t Finland one of those northern social democratic paradises proggies are always holding up in front of us as shining examples of equality, or aren’t they blond enough ? Anyway it looks as if, just maybe, the more gender equality you have the more women do *male* things like chop other people up into tiny pieces. Unintended consequences and all that.
You are not allowed to class killing of infants by their mothers alongside killing (of any sort) by men. There is a separate category of crime “infanticide” which gets a lower penalty, however sadistic, vicious or premeditated, than a guy lashing out with a fist when provoked. [I am not hereby defending the vile individual who killed a harmless autistic lad for complaining (verbally only in mild language) when his pal was breaking the law.]
There really are two laws – one for women and one for men.
@ Steve
“Because telling a blonde joke is a slippery slope to choking your wife to death in the shower.”
Not if you are a woman. The last blonde=dumb comment I heard was from a blonde, talking about her blonde colleague/friend in front of her.
@ Jack C
Angels are not counted in divisions but in legions. I think twelve legions of angels could see off Putin and Obama in two shakes of a bee’s knee.
@ The Stigler
God’s instructions are more intelligent than man’s – those with wealth are told that they are responsible for those who do not have enough so any surplus (in devout communities) gets shared but He does not tell anyone to steal – actually He commands everyone not to steal.
My wife will shortly be offering up thanks for surviving for 35 years without being murdered, raped or beaten by me. She will do so in the company of other long time survivors and copious quantities of Veuve.
His poor kids, can you imagine the conversations
Sorry son, but your going to turn into a murderous, pillaging barbarian at some point, it’s just the way it is
Sorry girls, but your destined to be abused and murder by some brute in the future
Makes you Wonder what he says to prospective boyfriends, are your intentions non-murderous
‘I fear for my daughters’
Then book them into krav maga classes when they’re old enough.
‘… and I feel an onerous responsibility for my son’.
He, on the other hand, thinks you’re a cunt.
“Sixty-three women killed by violence in this country this year.
It’s still only September.”
Do you get the feeling he really, really wishes it was only March?
“Sixty-three women killed by violence in this country this year.
It’s still only September.”
The rhetoric is designed so that the number isn’t really that important. For example, read the following two sentences: are they really that different?
“Four hundred and sixty-three women killed by violence in this country this year.
It’s still only September.”
“Six women killed by violence in this country this year.
It’s still only September.”
Your preoccupation with facts is irrelevant. The person who wrote the article is angling for a position in the burgeoning ‘domestic violence’ govenment department.
Consider how profitable has been the ‘anti racist’ notion. Much employement. Jobs for the girls of all genders.
DocBud – “My wife will shortly be offering up thanks for surviving for 35 years without being murdered, raped or beaten by me. She will do so in the company of other long time survivors and copious quantities of Veuve.”
Congratulations all around. But of course, in fairness, she only thinks she hasn’t been raped. She needs to do one of those special surveys they give female university students. She might find that she has been. As for being beaten, well, you are in Queensland, right? I believe it was an academic at Queensland University who produced the one in four figure for women being the victims of sexual assault over the course of a life time. Admittedly she had to include wolf whistles in the definition of sexual assault. So you need to ask yourself, have you ever whistled appreciatively at your wife over those 35 before asking her permission to do so?
That’s the problem with men. They just don’t think about their actions.
“Eureka! If only we had some sort of… rules… against assault and homicide.”
No,no..that’s not what he means. What we need is more brainwashing of males to think they are somehow inferior, fewer obstacles like due process and evidence in the way of convisions (of men), more cultural baggage for boys and men to carry around, weaker and weaker family bonds, and so on ad infinitum
I wasn’t passing comment on Jesus, merely mentioning that in Vatican City you will see more references to Papal Armies than to Jesus.
You may believe in legions of Angels, and their power. Pope’s have rarely shared your faith.
Jack C – “I wasn’t passing comment on Jesus, merely mentioning that in Vatican City you will see more references to Papal Armies than to Jesus.”
Only if you believe the stonework is an implicit comment on the Armies and not an implicit comment on Jesus.
“Pope’s have rarely shared your faith.”
Pope’s what? Poetry? I am interested in how you can be so confident of some long dead people’s internal life. Did they confess this sort of thing in their diaries?