Hillary Clinton has apologized for her use of a private “homebrew” email server during her time as US secretary of state, a day after telling the Associated Press that she would not.
In an interview with ABC News’s David Muir which aired on Tuesday, the former secretary of state said: “That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility.”
Of course, now she’s admitted it was a mistake and apologised the tactic will be: Oh, but I’ve already apologised for that, shall we move on?
When the actual question is whether you want someone with that sense of privilege anywhere near the Oval Office.
Anyway, sorry, there’s not going to be any rational commentary from me on her. Simply cannot stand her at any price. She could be calling on the Pope to create St. Milton and I’d disagree.
Sensible man.
She needs to have her collar felt.
The fact that she thought that National Security should take second place to her ability to ignore the regulations that everyone else abides by is just staggering.
What a demented arsehole.
If the law were equally applied, she would be wearing an orange jumpsuit, sharing a cell with Marge the Large, by now.
Mishandling state security intelligence, selling favours as State Secretary, leading the dismantling of a sovereign state leading to uncontrollable economic migration to Europe,….and she lies a lot.
Hellary, Hitlery, Shrillary … a woman of mystery, eh? Anyway, it’s not home-brew that she imbibes too much of, is it?
I take responsibility
By resigning? Thought not.
“whether you want someone with that sense of privilege anywhere near the Oval Office”
so you’re backing Bernie then?
I’ve said several times that I’d rather have Bernie than Hillary. Heck, I’d rather have Trump than Hillary (and yes, Bernie than Trump).
Altho I am against torture I would make an exception for the Clintons.
They need to be made to cough the real truth about the large number of people around them who have met mysterious deaths and then they both need to be publicly tried and spend the rest of their days sharing a cell.
They would especially hate that last bit.
Using a private email server to send classified State Department communications. Apart from her surname, any reason she isn’t in prison yet?
Tim Worstall – “I’ve said several times that I’d rather have Bernie than Hillary. Heck, I’d rather have Trump than Hillary (and yes, Bernie than Trump).”
I am looking forward to Trump getting the Republican nomination. The Republican Establishment, like the Tories, have f**ked over their voters so often, they deserve everything they get.
However I think it won’t happen. They will change the rules if nothing else works.
Still, Trump has shown that you can run as an actual conservative even though he is, of course, a Democrat. He has also done well because he has grasped the single most important issue – immigration. Either America is going to remain a majority White country, and hence liberal and democratic, or it is not. It is probably too late and it won’t.
Bernie is such a disaster it looks like people are trying to get Biden into the race. Good luck with that. Sarah Palin is looking like a smart choice now isn’t she?
She could be calling on the Pope to create St. Milton and I’d disagree.
Well, there would have to be at least two miracles attributed to the Blessed Uncle Milt.
Like making the lame walk, or the Ritchie think.
Trump is a Democrat spoiler (given he is or at least was a registered dem and clinton donor), designed to dog-whistle to both sides so that the Democrat Media Complex can crow about what a bunch of racist whitey white racists the Repub base is, and to confirm the prejudices of the Dem base regarding the repubs and to reconfirm their sense of moral superiority.
This is my Occam’s Razor analysis.
He’ll probably drop out again once mission accomplished. The Dem base will have been whipped up, and whatever candidate wins the Repub nomination will be a complete let down so they’ll stay home in greater numbers.
*they = Repub base.
That was a mistake.
Her use of the passive confirms that she does not accept responsibility for her actions.
abacab – Trump is a Democrat spoiler (given he is or at least was a registered dem and clinton donor),
Maybe. I don’t think Trump’s anybody’s tool though. Trump strikes me as the sort of chap who always does whatever Trump wants to do.
designed to dog-whistle to both sides so that the Democrat Media Complex can crow about what a bunch of racist whitey white racists the Repub base is
They do that anyway.
and to confirm the prejudices of the Dem base regarding the repubs and to reconfirm their sense of moral superiority.
I haven’t followed the US politicking closely, but looks to me as if Trump has blown away the taboo over openly discussing immigration. He’s forcing other candidates to react to him. Even Bernie Sanders, the American Jeremy Corbyn, has come out against mass immigration.
If that’s Dem entryism, it has backfired.
whatever candidate wins the Repub nomination will be a complete let down so they’ll stay home in greater numbers.
Probably. But there’s no point in a Republican Party that wants to abolish America and replace it with a colder Brazil. So if they’re going to dig their own grave, the sooner the better.
“If that’s Dem entryism, it has backfired.”
Really? The aim is to get Hillary anointed. So if Bernie has reacted, all the best for Hillary in the eyes of the hispanic part of the base.
Steve – “But there’s no point in a Republican Party that wants to abolish America and replace it with a colder Brazil. So if they’re going to dig their own grave, the sooner the better.”
They are better off than us. There is no point in a Tory Party that wants to abolish Britain and replace it with a colder Syria.
Better Rio than Hama.
She only apologized because the issue was really starting to hurt her.
I don’t understand why the FBI doesn’t ask China or Russia or Romania for the missing emails. We know they have them.
> I don’t understand why the FBI doesn’t ask China or Russia or Romania for the missing emails. We know they have them.
Or ask us. I’d be amazed if GCHQ didn’t have them, and at least we’re allies and wouldn’t snigger too much.
>> That was a mistake.
> Her use of the passive confirms that she does not accept responsibility for her actions.
Whilst I do understand what you’re getting at, that’s not the passive.
SQ, thanks, but are you sure? Wiki for passive voice gives The tree was pulled down as an example. And for the active it gives Someone pulled down the tree, which in the HC’s case would be: “I made some mistakes”.
“A mistake was made” is the passive voice. In the passive voice, the actor is not referred to, and the subject of the sentence is acted upon rather than doing the acting. “I ran over a child” vs “a child was run over”.
“That was a mistake”, while not naming an actor, is a straight statement of fact rather than true passive voice.
abacab, thanks, got it.
GWB was not locked up for gwb43.com, HRC was not locked up for clintonemail.com, and the passive voice was deprecated by a commentator who doesn’t know what it is.
One thing puzzles me. Whereas the current generation of US politicians is the worst ever, which generation was clearly better?
Calvin Coolidge.
Jefferson Davis
Ronaldus Magnus.
The Emperor Norton.