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So, Podemos, 20% eh?

Formed less than two years ago and led by pony-tailed politics lecturer Pablo Iglesias, Podemos and its regional allies won 69 seats with more than 20 per cent of the vote.

Sounds about right, there’s 20% of any population that are complete economic loons. About the right target for Corbyn, no?

18 thoughts on “So, Podemos, 20% eh?”

  1. So Much For Subtlety

    Any update on the joy that is Portuguese politics?

    I am surprised it is so low. Perhaps the Spanish aren’t as feckless as all that. Still, it must make for an interesting UK referendum – assuming that sh!t Cameron ever gives us one. After all, why vote if the EU collapses first?

  2. So Much For Subtlety

    dearieme – “Never mind the economic lunacy, the bloody man has a ponytail.”

    >sotto voice< So did Nelson

  3. Interest on debt has gone up depsite the fact that it must have been partially factored in.

    Spain is despite the vote a conservative country but the lack on political will to really deal with correuption by the two major parties has led to this.

    Among younger people the desire is for something fresher and the pony-tail represents one part of it. How people can think that he will be good for the country I don’t know. Financed by Venezuela they now clai to be looking at Denmark! But Denmark is economicaly liberal!!

    They want to control the press (surprise surprise).

    Anyway Rajoy has a real job on his hands. There is no easy solution and if we repeat the elections we may find Podemos increase.

    Cuidadanos have not lived up to expectations (although from zero to 40 seats is bloody good).

    I cannot for the life of me see what is going to happen nd that is not what we need just as the economy has moved from A&E into a general ward.

    Sadly, we live in ‘interesting times’.

    I have a lunch today with my socialist friends, I am looking forward to hearing the spin on their latest ‘success’

  4. dearieme – “Never mind the economic lunacy, the bloody man has a ponytail.”

    >sotto voice< So did Nelson

    To all the girls they loved before….

  5. “the desire is for something fresher and the pony-tail represents one part of it”: what a different country Spain must be if a ponytail represents freshness, rather than some clapped-out fart in his sixties smoking his roll-up while reminiscing about all sorts of made-up stuff.

  6. So Much For Subtlety

    dearieme – “In Nelson’s day.”

    Sure but give the guy a break. I really liked his version of Le Mer and anyone who has sold as many albums as he has, has something going for him.

  7. dearieme

    My feelings about the pony-tail are exactly those.

    I can’t see his media attractiveness. He is like something out of Wilt: out-of-date, ignorant (about what really matters), waffling slogan seller with his head up Maduro’s arse.

    But you have to remember that Kin Bassinger still turns me on! So what do I know?

    I admit to being shocked by the number of Diputados they have achieved. The meme has been anything is better than the legacy parties and I sympathise with the feeling. But really the economic ignorance of Podemos is truly stunning.

    We are heading for stormy waters.

    One of the devout socialists is married to a rich man and has 6 houses (for personal use). She likes to hark back to her working class start in life! Last time I spoke she was thinking of letting the socialists down and giving her vote to the pony-tail.

    Turkeys voting for Christmas ?

  8. Sounds about right, there’s 20% of any population that are complete economic loons. About the right target for Corbyn, no?

    So few as that?

    I know some Spanish living in Spain and some in London. They don’t expect any economic miracles or attribute any particular degree of economic competence to Podemos. They are fed up with the older, larger parties and they want reform. Never attribute to incompetence that which can be attributed to being pissed off.

  9. UKL:

    They are fed up with the older, larger parties and they want reform. Never attribute to incompetence that which can be attributed to being pissed off.

    That was part of UKIP’s appeal. Now, the kippers are fighting each other like rats in a sack, so perhaps peak-UKIP has passed. I doubt Podemos will cohere for long.

  10. “Podemos and its regional allies won 69 seats with more than 20 per cent of the vote.”
    ” there’s 20% of any population that are complete economic loons.”
    Factor in the other 55% odd who vote for the economic loon’s who’ve been running the show for the past few years & democracy hasn’t got much going for it.

  11. Oh, come on. The economic policy of UKIP is about the only bit of its portfolio (apart from the obvious) that isn’t soft-left lunacy.

    Noting that sensible economics can make up for quite a lot of soft-left lunacy in other areas.

    In fact, are better than nut-job protectionist right wing economics and lowing-statism. At least in the long-term. Which is pretty much what economics should be bothered with.

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