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Hang on a minute, what is Ritchie’s job again?

Richard Murphy says:
June 23 2016 at 12:25 pm
Not much of a day off

One article written

A submission for funding to make

And ten journal articles to read

And the book is behind schedule

The day job carries on!

I’m sure I recall the tax research accounts stating at some point that his day job was producing the blog? That’s what the grants were for and so on?

So he’s now doing another day job without turning down the grants?

7 thoughts on “Hang on a minute, what is Ritchie’s job again?”

  1. Bloke in North Dorset

    A full day’s work. If he was employed he’d be paying 40% tax plus NI and his employer would also pay NI contributions.

    I trust he isn’t avoiding tax by bent self employed or running a LTD company or partnership.

  2. This is the description of one of the jobs the LHTD is doing.
    The section “What will the project try to achieve?” contains a remarkably long sentence. The whole pitch is quite clever as nothing appears to be defined, and nothing is measurable.

  3. “funding” ? Begging, you mean. For money for producing what no-one wants to buy. Must try that one myself…..

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