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Salon is not taking this well

It’s impossible to overstate how colossal a fuck-up this is. At every level, across both parties, the media, pollsters — all the democratic institutions that are supposed to prevent something like this from happening, or at least warn us about it.

Actually, the democratic bit is the election itself….

34 thoughts on “Salon is not taking this well”

  1. Mal Reynolds (Serenity) is where these are all being collected. Damn this is almost better than Brexit. All US and UK news media this time are losing it. Absolutely delicious.

  2. “the democratic institutions that are supposed to prevent something like this from happening, or at least warn us about it.

    They weren’t aware there was an election scheduled?

    Also, it takes about 10 weeks from vote to taking office. That sounds like reasonable notice.

    What strange people.

  3. The media and polling companies are “democratic institutions”? Who knew?

    I think what they mean is “our friends who helped keep us in power”.

  4. The advantage of Brexit is that it was the desired result. Trump is still an unknown but probably not the greatest US president, but the lefty meltdown is so utterly delicious that it may even surpass Brexit.

  5. How long before we start seeing articles calling for the disenfranchisement of voters they don’t like, or giving more votes to people who are ‘educated’, etc like we saw after Brexit?

    Such articles need to get as wide a circulation as possible.

  6. Timmy’s subsequent post show Think Progress is already going for the WAYCIST card. What a surprise.

    Something tells me SJWs just aren’t very lucky with the ladies. A lot of pent-up, why-doesn’t-anyone-love-me problems going on.

  7. He may be a good president, he may be a bad one. Regardless he is the one who has got the job based on the existing political system they have there.

  8. Bloke in Costa Rica

    Oh fuck, I was just about to go to bed but that Hillary Meltdown reddit is just fucking epic. I am hugging myself with glee.

  9. Ah, the baleful bleating of a million “progressives”, the music of an elite ovine orchestra!


  10. “prevent something like this”

    ‘Something like this’ being the Republican party, popular vote and electoral college picking a winner.

    There were plenty of warnings from Trump’s competitors for the nomination and plenty of warnings from the Democrats. Maybe the people discounted those warnings as being based on self-preservation by an out of touch political elite.

  11. “How long before we start seeing articles calling for the disenfranchisement of voters they don’t like, or giving more votes to people who are ‘educated’, etc like we saw after Brexit?”

    Already happening – the usually reasonably sane (for a Leftist) Chris Dillow posted this a few days ago:

    Admittedly a review of a book proposing disenfranchising the ‘uneducated’ voter, but he didn’t exactly find himself totally opposed to the concept………….

  12. This is why I’m constantly going on about democracy not being a decision-making mechanism but being a civil-war-prevention mechanism. It’s people’s belief that it’s a decision-making mechanism that leads them to think they can fix it.

  13. MBE

    I laughed and laughed at that piece. What Parris doesn’t grasp (which is the reason for laughing) is that it’s precisely his mindset that gave birth to Trump.

    Other pieces at the Speccie by Dougals Murray and Brendan O’Neill are well worth a read. Do any of these people ever meet in the lifts at Old Queen Street?

  14. Avaaz, unsurprisingly, being the leftist, too-much-information-they-completely-fail-to-understand, collective that they are, aren’t having a good time of it either:

    Dear fellow global citizens,

    The unimaginable has happened. President Trump.

    And the horror won’t end there – the racist right is rising worldwide, unless we stop them.

    Don’t think it can’t happen where you live? Everyone thought Trump was a joke. Now he’s a nightmare with nuclear codes.

    No, not unimaginable. Possibly more likely than we thought but hardly unimaginable (unless you have a sadly deficient imagination. Or are an idiot.)

    No, not a joke. Clearly – even starting as a billionaire, staying one is a serious business. Okay, he’s got a tribble instead of a hair-style but that’s it. So you are exaggerating. Or are an idiot.

    A nightmare with nuclear codes? You’re projecting. Or are an idiot.

    What’s that duck meme? Yup, they’re idiots.

  15. “Democratic institutions”? Those will be institutions that are themselves governed through eoceatic means. There may be institutions and laws that underpin democracy, but these are not themselves ‘democratic institutions. What this cretinears is “institutions that implicitly exist to preserve the current arrangements that suit me so well.

    I think Trump is a wanker. But he’s better than Clinton and so I am smiling today.

  16. One of those democratic institutions would be the Electoral College, yes? That doesn’t seem to be very popular amongst the commentaries today though. They seem to prefer direct mandate via vote count today. Which is funny because ever since the Brexit vote I’ve had the distinct feeling they’ve found that downright unsatisfactory. I’m so very confused.

  17. Plenty of people talking about poor decisions made by the uneducated today. Aside from the disgusting antidemocratic condescension, who is it who runs American education, eh?

  18. @Ironman

    You get a hard time on here occasionally, but I very much enjoyed your last two posts on this thread.

    I think I’m in full agreement with you.

  19. Plenty of people talking about poor decisions made by the uneducated today. Aside from the disgusting antidemocratic condescension, who is it who runs American education, eh?

    We’ll brush over that by shouting HITLER at the top of our voices, but will reserve it for future analysis.


  20. Sq2 ” who is it who runs American education, eh?”

    A question I like to ask everytime I hear someone moan about a generation of boys and rape culture,online abuse etc… Children are almost exclusive educated by left wing women, so who’s to fucking blame?
    They are acting out because they are not being given the appropriate support and by extension we are seeing the same in adults with Brexit and Trump.

  21. Parris has always been a smug cunt.

    And what these people don’t grasp is the effect of the internet. They used to be able to keep people like Trump out. They could run interview after interview saying nice things about someone like Clinton and basically not giving much coverage to someone like Trump. Twitter and whatever else has changed that. Trump can just raw tweet where he stands.

    Same with Brexit. By the time we got to the vote, lots of people had been reading about it in all sorts of places that weren’t the BBC or The Times for yearss.

  22. “Admittedly a review of a book proposing disenfranchising the ‘uneducated’ voter, but he didn’t exactly find himself totally opposed to the concept………….”

    Wasn’t the argument against literacy tests in America that they disadvantaged blacks, who were generally less educated than whites?

    Therefore, anyone arguing for disenfranchising the ‘uneducated’ voters is clearly RACIST.

  23. Edward M Grant

    Much the same with liberal Amercia’s love of abortion. “Look”, they say “see how available abortion has reduced crime rates. Because less of those more likely to commit crime are being born now”.

    Problem with that is a certain ethnic angle to the statistics.

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