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And that difference is?

The controversy around a black feminist festival in Paris fails to acknowledge the differences between segregationist white spaces and subversive black spaces


16 thoughts on “And that difference is?”

  1. “Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff is a freelance journalist and opinions editor at, a new magazine written by women of colour. “

    If my eyes roll any harder, they might actually fall out of my head…

  2. Dear Guardian, keep them coming. Thanks.

    Is there any way these could reach a much larger audience, e.g. working class white towns?

  3. Bloke in North Dorset

    I didn’t understand the quote when I first read it. I’ve now read the aeprticla and I’m none the wiser.

    “Unofficial safe spaces have existed for all denominations for centuries, and self-organising has long been a key part of anti-racist and feminist movements.”

    Can we men self organise and get our tap rooms back?

  4. BIND

    No, all we are permitted is a ‘man-cave’ (i.e. the garden shed), where we may sit solus in a folding chair and ponder our overweening power.

    Meanwhile the ladies have the run of the centrally heated house we have either paid for or mortgaged, said mortgage requiring us to work our nuts off till the divorce — or till we peg out with a heart attack at the age of 63, whichever is the sooner.

  5. “fails to acknowledge the differences between segregationist white spaces and subversive black spaces”
    Charlie uses subversive as if its a good thing. But what exactly is being subverted? This conference is breaking the general norm that race shouldn’t be an explicit and enforceable criteria for participation in an event. In the past that norm wasn’t there but various opposite rules, notably white segregationist ones, were subverted to the point that they were neither enforceable nor supported. Charlie if you subvert rules enough you will lose them. I don’t think you want that.

  6. “There’s no moving forward unless we accept that racism against people of colour is deeply systemic.”

    Then I guess there’s no moving forward then.

  7. Opinions Editor? Goes without saying if the left are involved.

    Brinkhurst -Cuff?

    That’s “Fucc” spelt backwards. Sure this isn’t a wind-up? Or perhaps she’s a witch.

    On second thought –no perhaps about it.

  8. So Much For Subtlety

    Of course there is a difference. When they kill us, that is totally different from us killing them. When a darker person brutalises a White person, that is justice.

    These people are more dangerous than any of you think. And they are winning.

  9. When a person of pallor leaves the city because they’ve had enough of violent crime, it’s White Flight.

    When a person of color leaves the city because they’ve had enough of violent crime, they are an Internally Displaced Person.

    Completely different, because reasons.

  10. No, all we are permitted is a ‘man-cave’ (i.e. the garden shed), where we may sit solus in a folding chair and ponder our overweening power.

    Hardly the Bejewelled Throne of Aquilonia, but still better for the house slave than having to suffer the continuous nagging of a harpy powered wife.

  11. Every time I think the identity cultists have gone as far as they can, they go further. You have to admire their dedication to their art. For they are the true heirs of the surrealists, the world’s greatest performance artists, the true purveyors of art to subvert politics.

    And to think some people miss it and think they’re serious. I mean no-one could be that stupid surely?

  12. 9.25 is another fake Mr Ecks. The cunt is doubling my output but unless its a groupie-freak the next step will be to post stuff I wouldn’t say.

    Tim–unless yr security system is crap he should have to post under another email. Any way of filtering using that?

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