Residents along a five-mile-stretch of Sussex coast have been warned to stay inside and close their windows after a noxious “chemical haze” swept over a beauty spot and left 133 people requiring hospital treatment.
The French boiling garlic again? Or that soap dodging coming to a head?
Whatever it was, it was reported to be odourless. So not chlorine.
Something leaking from a passing tanker? The effects sound fairly serious.
Spudda farted?
It was the Russians, in cahoots with Donald L.H. Trump.
The dumping of inconvenient stuff after the cessation of various hostilities doesn’t seem to have been particularly well done or that well documented – I wonder if a van from Porton Down is in the area?
I thought most really nasty things (nerve gas etc) got dumped in the Irish sea?
indeed – the Irish Sea off Stranraer (Beaufort’s Dyke) is probably the best known – but not the only one by a long way….. That said – it’s unlikely that the dumping vessels had much precision navigation and were under quite a lot of pressure to get on with it – there have been “incidents” of items found quite a distance from the supposed dump site – the items concerned don’t as a rule have much buoyancy.
I’m not aware of a comprehensive public resource of what was dumped where…. The MoD are *very* twitchy about it.
Given that it’s the silly season The NorKs and ISIS could be in the frame.
A cloud of Smug from Brighton?