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Arch Remoaner leaks over Brexit

Brussels shows no interest in finding “long-term solutions” to Brexit and could ignore the interests of European Union business, a leaked memo to financial leaders has warned.

There is just a “one per cent” chance of the EU agreeing to start discussing a trade deal in October as the UK wants, according to a source quoted in the note.

There is also no appetite for creating a “bespoke” transition deal that will allow Britain to retain the benefits of EU membership for years after formally leaving, it is warned.

The “sobering” analysis is contained in a 1,200 word memo from Jeremy Browne, the special representative for the City of London to the EU, which has been leaked to this newspaper.

Yes, that’s the ex-Lib Dem MP….

What he’s describing is of course the attitude from the EU bureaucracy…

5 thoughts on “Arch Remoaner leaks over Brexit”

  1. Why do we need any deal? Why do we need to agree not to shoot ourselves in the face in return for them agreeing not to shoot themselves in the face? All the benefits of any deal we can unilaterally choose to do ourselves.

  2. “The bloke’s honesty should get him a special reward.”

    I agree. He’s very helpfully highlighting that fact (to those still unaware) that the mob in Brussels are quite uninterested in helping their members (ie in looking for the win-win)? In which it is likely that more people in this country may ultimately realise that we did the right thing getting out?

    Although, as BiF points out, the outcome of the post election conflict between the Commission and Germany/Fance is ultimately going to decide how this pans out.

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