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Ritchie is now insisting that we ban welfare here in the UK because of Hurricane Irma

Although it will take time for the full impact of Hurricane Irma to become apparent, it is clear that it will create significant damage in the British Overseas Territories of Anguilla, The British Virgin Islands and Turks and Caicos Islands [1]. It has already done that on Antigua and Barbuda and may also do so to The Bahamas, both of which are Commonwealth states to which the UK has at least a moral obligation.

There is also risk to Bermuda and St Kitts and Nevis, which are also British Overseas Territories. It is thought that well over half of all buildings in Barbuda have been subject to substantial hurricane inflicted damage.

It is beholden on the UK to provide all aid necessary to restore normal life in its Overseas Territories, without delay. There are good reasons for suggesting that it should provide similar assistance to affected Commonwealth States. That said, there is no reason why this support should be supplied unconditionally.

All the places mentioned are secrecy jurisdictions (tax havens) as indicated by the Tax Justice Network’s influential Financial Secrecy Index [2]. What this means is that these places, without exception, have deliberately created regulation for the primary benefit and use of people who are not resident in those islands, and knowing that that regulation in question will be used to undermine the legislation or regulation of another jurisdiction.

All of those places mentioned are actually less of a secrecy jurisdiction than the UK by that very Financial Secrecy Index. So, what should we do to such naughty boys?

Unless the governments in question agree to take these actions and supply an action plan for their delivery, the UK government should only provide emergency aid to the islands whose officials do not cooperate.

It is entirely appropriate that local populations should not suffer as a result of immediate circumstances that are beyond their control that Hurricane Irma has created. It is, however, in turn beholden upon those seeking assistance to ensure that their politicians now take appropriate steps to ensure that these islands become responsible members of the international community, which has not been the case to date. In that way they can reciprocate the support that they will now be given.

So, what……we should only provide emergency aid in the UK to our own people because the UK is a worse secrecy jurisdiction than they are? Perhaps it’s that the EU shouldn’t spend anything here because we’re such naughty boys?

Or, you know, maybe the Senior Lecturer at Islington Technical College doesn’t think through what he writes and therefore should be variously ignored or mocked?

21 thoughts on “Ritchie is now insisting that we ban welfare here in the UK because of Hurricane Irma”

  1. he’s a vile man. Censors comments because they are ad hominems )or so he claims) then devotes 2 recent articles to personal attacks on jacob rees mogg and kevin hague. How is it possible to be so unself aware as this “man” And he loudly proclaims his christianity at every possible opportunity. Obviously his idea of christianity is at odds with Jesus. But then again he’s probably got an article brewing inside denouncing him as well.

  2. Harry Haddock's Ghost

    Perhaps he is Jesus? We should do the honourable thing and pop him up on a cross so we stop preventing him from reaching his true destiny.

  3. These are the secrecy jurisdictions the ownership of his beloved Guardian’s vested in one of, right?
    See you next Tuesday

  4. Bloke in Costa Rica

    “maybe the Senior Lecturer at Islington Technical College doesn’t think through what he writes and therefore should be variously ignored or mocked hit in the face with a pick handle?”

    What a totally egregious monomaniacal cunt he is.

  5. FFS. The Tax Justice Network’s completely without legal standing index of people they don’t like should be used to decide who lives and who dies after a natural disaster?

    Cunty McCuntface at his pompous fat ugly best.

  6. Hold on, by being in the EU we have deliberately created regulation for the primary benefit and use of people who are not resident in these islands, so we must ensure disaster victims in the UK are denied any support.

  7. What a mean-spirited little fuck.

    At the risk of having Interested sprint across the Atlantic to the heart of ‘Merica and beat the violent thoughts right out of me, I once again ask: Why someone in England hasn’t decked Murphy? You know, for the public good and all.

  8. And yet there are millions of people in the UK and elsewhere in the world who are or will be fundraising /donating to help the people in those areas hit by this disaster.
    With more compassion than him.

    I’d claim he was trying to emulate the Pharisees if it didn’t insult the Pharisees.
    They at least, like the entire middle east at the time, aware of charity, obligation and the principle of help to others.

  9. the UK government should only provide emergency aid to the islands whose officials do not cooperate.

    Hey you. Yes, you, the one that isn’t doing what we want. Here, have some money.

    Those of you doing what we want get nothing.

  10. He’s clearly not well.

    We’re seeing a quite exceptional event – 185 mph sustained winds are not something most of us will easily get out heads around (#), within which 3 (Leeward) island groups took direct hits – and he’s qualifying assistance to those that have been devastated?

    He’s is totally losing it.

    # if one remembers the wind speeds of the UK “storm” that (overnight) flattened some 15 million trees in the wouth east of England in 1987 – maximum gusts of a little over 100mph.

  11. On a lighter note, apparently Richard Branson’s private island has been “devastated”. (No casualties, it’s OK to laugh.)

  12. he was fairly recently suggesting sending in the gunboats if these countries didn’t cooperate (and by ‘cooperate’ here he means ‘do as Murphy says’). Now he’s suggesting leaving homeless and destitute brown people to starve and die unless they do as he says. What a curious Quaker he is, to be sure.

    On the subject of Irma, chatting to a mate from Puerto Rico last night who’s over visiting – the island dodged the worst of the storm as it went further north but in the true fashion of governments everywhere, the PRG is already exaggerating the damage to get larger handouts

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