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This isn’t how it works

Parents who give up on difficult household tasks may be doing far greater harm than simply storing up more work for later, according to a new study.

Whether it’s flinging away a hard-to-open tin of baked beans in despair, or failing to hoover all the way up the stairs, newly minted mothers and fathers should beware: their baby is taking note.

A new investigation by US researchers has found that adults who give up when confronted with difficult tasks tend to pass this trait onto their offspring.

It really isn’t all nurture.

5 thoughts on “This isn’t how it works”

  1. So Much For Subtlety

    It really isn’t all nurture but this is just the infamous marshmallow test in the field.

    Which is to say there is a large racial disparity. And after all, why would we think that several large geographically isolated populations would evolve towards the same result anyway?

    Until recently this had been heresy to say, even here. But it is obvious and perhaps even true.

    Although it is hard to separate nature and nurture. After all the marshmallow test not only showed that people of African origin had little self control, it also showed that people of divorced parents had little self control. The two groups being more or less identical. But genes may have something to do with divorce if, for instance, they lead to more cheating.

  2. So person who has trouble sticking to difficult tasks is more likely to have child that has trouble sticking to difficult tasks.

    Its almost as if there’s some inherited link between parents and children……………..

  3. Person who has difficulty opening a can of beans has child who has difficulty opening a can of beans…..

    It’s a shame (person) didn’t have the problem of being able to breed.

  4. ‘Parents who give up on difficult household tasks may be doing far greater harm than simply storing up more work for later, according to a new study.

    Whether it’s flinging away a hard-to-open tin of baked beans in despair, or failing to hoover all the way up the stairs, newly minted mothers and fathers should beware: their baby is taking note.

    A new investigation by US researchers has found that adults who give up when confronted with difficult tasks tend to pass this trait onto their offspring.’

    Harm? So my kid is going to be like me? That’s HARM? Go fvck yourself.

    If you can’t get the damn can open, you should spend a half hour getting it open. So your kids will waste their lives on lost causes.

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