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The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), an American science advocacy group known for its stance against global warming, would like to inform us all of the dastardly behaviour of the fossil fuel companies.

The UCS’s recent paper links global climate changes to the product-related emissions of fossil fuel producers, focusing on the oil, gas and coal producers as well as cement manufacturers. The paper criticises those companies for their impact on climate change, such as the rise of sea levels and the increase in global temperatures.

The point of the paper is to assign responsibility – and thus the potential job of clearing it all up – to those who dug and pumped up those fuels.

The problem with this is that the basic contention is tosh. For whatever responsibility there is for emissions lies not with those who made the supply, but with those who demanded it. It’s you, me and our grandparents and our selfish desires for transport and warmth in winter to blame here.

25 thoughts on “Elsewhere”

  1. The UCS were lying leftist eco-freak scum 30 years ago. When the late great Dr Peter Beckman many times called out their leftist eco-wibble in his Access to Energy newsletter.

    They haven’t changed their spots in the last 30 years.

  2. Well, if the 0.5 degree C average rise in average world temperature per century we have enjoyed since 1850(the end of the Little Ice Age) is real and not an artefact of adjustment and measurement technique, it has also coincided with the greening of the Sahel region, improved resilience to drought(cos more plant food) and bumper food crops which most except the Club of Rome devotees would regard as good news. On behalf of all nonmiserabilists, I would like to thank the burners of fossil fuel(if they actually achieved this).

  3. Wouldn’t it also be a good idea, if apportioning blame, to point to some actual deleterious effects of climate change? “Rise of sea levels” gets mentioned. Five minutes stroll down the road from me is the Med. A large, virtually landlocked sea, whose water level depends on a complicated balance between precipitation, the inflow of rivers whose catchments span vast areas of Europe, Africa, the Middle-East & into Asia, evaporation & the currents flowing through the narrow Straits to the Atlantic. You’d think that level would be a sensitive indicator of climate change. Yet it’s exactly the same as when the Romans used to tie their ships up to load the production of he oil presses, the ruins of which I walk past every day. It’s even exactly the same at Constanta on the Black Sea, which is another version of the Med, in miniature.
    What climate change, Mr Connolley?

  4. Bloke no Longer in Austria

    No, no, no, Tim. You’ve got it all wrong.

    The Fossil Fuel Ring are like drug dealers. They stand on the street corner and push their poison on unsuspecting populations. In turn they become addicted to being warm, cooking their own dinner, switching on the lights and watching telly.

    The sooner we learn how to cook susages over a candle the better !

  5. BnLiA, They would be hand-minced vegetarian sausages, no doubt, with candles made from whale blubber (sustainable once the world population shrinks to include only ecowarriors ).

  6. “The sooner we learn how to cook susages over a candle the better !”

    Sausages! No way, livestock are the devils work, all those methane emissions. The peasants will eat turnips and like them. The Green Nomenklatura will of course have food more suited to their status…….

  7. Also, it’s not clear why present shareholders should pay, when it was past shareholders who benefitted.

    Of course if the likes of BP or Exxon had to pay up, it would likely bankrupt them. As per my comment on another thread, the Eco Justice Warriors don’t want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs; they just want more of those eggs to land in their baskets.

  8. The UCS don’t apply their own logic.. it should be Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria and Venezuela (ok and texas, and scotland, and norway) that should paying for all this.

  9. “The Union of Concerned Socialists (UCS), an American communist advocacy group known for using science to push it’s totalitarian agenda.”

    There, FIFY.

    ‘would like to inform us all of the dastardly behaviour of the fossil fuel companies.’

    These are the dastardly companies that are going to get me to the golf course this morning, then power my motorcycle as we cruise the countryside this afternoon?

    ‘The paper criticises those companies for their impact on climate change, such as the rise of sea levels’

    Sea level rise has been constant for 100 years. Climate change/sea level rise is a lie. One that is easily checked. Yet it makes the front pages of the legacy press.

  10. Gamecock, weren’t the legacy press telling us not so long ago that the Maldives would be soon underwater?

    I still see advertisements for holidays there. How long have we got before the islands are underwater and is my holiday covered by IATA should the islands sink before we get there? Perhaps Mr. Connelley could tell us?

  11. Interesting too that the Maldives are avidly promoting tourism, all of which arrives by dreadful CO2 spewing flying machines that are surely hastening their demise.

    Presumably this Mr Connolly is the self appointed guardian of Wikipedia who endeavours to keep climate change heresy from its hallowed pages..

  12. Isn’t Tim’s argument merely another version of “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. In this case everyone knows it isn’t anyone else’s fault apart from the military-industrial complex that poor inner city gang members settle scores with guns. There is no personal agency and the state needs to ensure that continues.

  13. Having spent much time in the Maldives (Although not since I had children- thanks kids), I can tell you, the biggest threat to them is erosion. It’s not the level of the sea, it’s the current in it that hurts.

    This didn’t matter when no-on ehad any infrastructure on them, but if Hilton have spunked 100m on a resort, the Island it’s sitting on better not move anywhere. Unless the accommodation is on stilts, in which case, WGAF?

  14. Solid Steve 2: Squirrels of The Patriots

    The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)

    I’d like to hear from the Union of Scientists Who Don’t Give A Fuck. (USWDGAF)

    Can’t even be bothered to look, but how many UCS concern trolls are real scientists with relevant expertise, as opposed to IT monkeys who fart about on Wikipedia?

  15. The problem with this is that the basic contention is tosh. For whatever responsibility there is for emissions lies not with those who made the supply, but with those who demanded it. It’s you, me and our grandparents and our selfish desires for transport and warmth in winter to blame here.

    Tom has identified one of the primary reasons many of the adults in the room think that those shilling for anti-capitalist, totalitarian “solutions” to a problem that doesn’t exist are full of shit.

    It’s kind of like the lefty I know who on the one hand tells me climate change is a very real threat and then on the other hand goes out and gets in his 8 cylinder SUV to drive 2 miles to get home.

  16. Have any of these people ever set foot in an oil company? All you get is wall-to-wall propaganda about climate change.

    Quite so. BP – for all their faults, never slow to smell chum in the water – now brand themselves ‘Beyond Petroleum’ and are busy subsidy harvesting.

  17. Woman is to blame for global warming
    In the beginning, man was happy to wait for the apple to fall from the the tree, crush it, ferment the resultant juice and then sit by the fire outside the cave entrance and drink it. But no, woman had to pick it and eat it.

    Not happy with having to bash her mans loin cloth on a rock by a stream or with brushing the cave floor with a bunch of twigs on a stick,, she wanted a whole load of labour saving devices.

    This resulted in her man building a fossil fuel burning power station to drive her washing machine, spin dryer, eye level grill, fan oven, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, curling tongs and latterly a battery charger.

    So what about the car you ask?

    Well, she wanted to visit her bloody mother in Inverness.

  18. Since coal is far worse for the environment than oil or gas, they should be blaming the National Coal Board and, more relevantly, Communist China which burns more coal than all the Rest of the world put together.
    Go boys – go beat up Xi Jingping: march on Beijing waving your test tubes and 100-page dissertations!

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