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Richard Murphy says:
October 5 2017 at 2:49 pm
But UK options can be more effective and are not available here

Sally Phillips says:
October 5 2017 at 8:22 pm
No. Given the amounts involved UK options would make no difference.

I do appreciate when you said above that you don’t have enough time to learn about these things.

Your contributors here can be your tutor.

Richard Murphy says:
October 5 2017 at 11:00 pm
What the heck are you talking about?

I said US based options are not UK tax favoured

I was right

And you choose to be rude

I presumed you were a troll, and you are

16 thoughts on “Heh”

  1. A fantastic set of exchanges on the thread about Amazon, state aid and markets

    Graeme says:
    October 5 2017 at 2:03 pm
    I am not sure what you are driving at. I haven’t seen the accounts of all the participants in the local farmers’ market but it seems to exist. The prices for carrots seem comparable to the supermarket across the road. The chutneys are more expensive than Branston but the range of flavours is much wider. It seems to be an example of a free and fair market

    Richard Murphy says:
    October 5 2017 at 2:05 pm
    You know exactly what I am talking about

    And if those traders have limited liability in the UK then you can see their accounts

    And that’s because information is the basis of fair markets – you need to read some basic economics

    Sally Phillips says:
    October 5 2017 at 3:38 pm
    If a trader has limited liability and submits abbreviated or even micro accounts i am not sure I can tell anything from their accounts. There is no p&l.

    And they could be showing information at least 9 months and possibly 21 months old.

    I would like to know how this sparse and old information helps in the situation Graeme outlines.

    Could you expand a little on your answer?

    It is always so interesting reading your replies.

    Richard Murphy says:
    October 5 2017 at 4:11 pm
    You know the risk of trading: that is the point of capital and reserves.

    And you can appraise leverage, which is a measure of risk.

    You cannot do that without accounts

    And reinsurers are not micro entities

  2. It really is hilarious to see how utterly clueless he is about anything. I often say it but I have rarely encountered anyone, even in cyberspace with such a massive over-estimation of his own ability versus the reality. He is certainly likely to be studied when the early history of the blogosphere is written….

  3. Sally and I are close friends.

    “I said US based options are not UK tax favoured”

    No you didn’t. You don’t know the difference and tried to imply that US based options might somehow result in less tax in the UK than UK.

    Besides, he is in fact wrong. You can have a UK tax approved share scheme such as a CSOP over a US company’s shares.

  4. “I presumed you were a troll, and you are”

    That means he thinks anybody who comments on his posts are a troll as he assumes the fact before the event. If troll = someone trying to correct someone then he may actually be write on this.

  5. “I am a Mole and he thinks I’m a troll”


    It popped into my head and I couldn’t let it stay there.

  6. @V-P

    He operates at a level of tax knowledge akin to “My Mate Down The Pub”, based on things he half-remembers, things he reads in the media and things he feels ought to be right. There are of course overlaps between MMDTP knowledge and reality but it’s the differences that are always costly.

    I am frequently called upon to sort out the tax affairs of those who rely on MMDTP.

    Of course what’s terrifying is that Murphy once did tax planning for people and still holds himself out as an expert.

  7. “I am frequently called upon to sort out the tax affairs of those who rely on MMDTP.”

    I am called upon mercifully infrequently to sort out the IP affairs of people who thought it was too expensive to have it done professionally so tried to do it themselves…

    The lucky ones come to us when it’s still fixable time-wise. The others leave with nothing.

  8. A thought – if Spud was a half-competent accountant, wouldn’t he be raking in far more money practicing accountancy rather than deep-throating lefty foundations for cash grants and trying to get himself a peerage?

  9. @abacab

    I am fairly sure you could find out how to remove an appendix online.

    Why people would bother going to an expensive doctor, I have no idea.

  10. ‘He operates at a level of tax knowledge akin to “My Mate Down The Pub”, based on things he half-remembers, things he reads in the media and things he feels ought to be right.’

    Ought to be his epitaph and indeed there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that – it’s just when you then try and pass yourself off as an expert on this and other topics you invariably come looking like an idiot, as you rightly point out…

  11. Saw reinsurers in the comment above and thought I would see some deep insightful comment about how insurers transfer risk and ensure counterparty performance through collateral, letters of credit, guarantees and letters of comfort or such like. Instead I get the impression that people use the insurers accounts. Yeah. That is trivially easy to work out what is going on. (Rolls eyes)

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