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How much more propaganda can we get into a university course?

The Senior Lecturer approves of this:

The following is a guest post from Professor Atul K. Shah of the University of Suffolk.

Business and professional education have become profoundly privatised and technical, detaching themselves from public values, public conscience and personal responsibility and accountability
Finance and financialisation dominates the culture of business education, which is very profit-driven, and the primary theory of wealth and profit maximisation. This ideology and logic is presented as unquestionable but is unsustainable and deserves to crash with #paradisepapers
By making the subject scientific and technical, it becomes very impersonal. In addition, business schools are highly profitable factories of education, where the teaching approach and content is formulaic, and the student is on a production line. How on earth are they going to develop a conscience, or personal values in students in such an atmosphere? Their vulnerability and innocence is being actively exploited by the experts, and this must stop.
Ethics, if taught at all, is a stand-along topic and not integrated with all the subjects taught in the business school. Its teaching tends to be philosophical, technical and legalistic, rather than personal, cultural, emotional and virtuous.
Tax is treated as a burden and a cost of business, rather than a share of profit given to government for its vast contribution to business infrastructure in terms of health, roads, utilities, transport, education and skills, legal protection and social cohesion.

Hmm. So, who wants an MBA from this guy? And who wants to employ someone with one?

34 thoughts on “How much more propaganda can we get into a university course?”

  1. Its teaching tends to be philosophical, technical and legalistic, rather than personal, cultural, emotional and virtuous (my emphasis)

    And this is much of the problem – they argue on the basis of emotion (mostly hate) and believe themselves to be ‘good’ and their enemies intrinsically evil.

  2. Law students in training get taught all about J S Mill ( at least it is at Northumbria University ). If he wants the module included in business and professional education, then I’ll settle for that.

  3. It would be interesting to ask Prof Shah for his views on interest and banking to see how they align with the ummah’s.

  4. Shah co-authord ‘Jainism and Ethical Finance’ so a prospective MBA student who seeks a career in street sweeping might want to follow his course though I notice that the University of Suffolk (Ipswich Tec?) offers a two year degree course in dance which sounds more fun.

  5. “Ethics” is something you have to teach to people who you expect to have no morals: ‘prentice lawyers, f’rinstance.

  6. “ Tax is treated as a burden and a cost of business, rather than a share of profit given to government for its vast contribution to business infrastructure”

    I get it. When is a cost not a cost?

    When it’s a gift.

  7. Gamecock, yes. When we pay our tax it’s “giving”. A bloody voluntary gift it is to a deserving government.

    When the government gives back 55 cents on the dollar it’s a “vast contribution”.

    I get it all right. The so-called economist Tim quotes above should also get it – good and hard.

  8. In arguing that experts are exploiting students’ innocence and that this must stop, I assume he and Murphy would prefer that the exploitation is undertaken by economic morons.

  9. And note that if the “tax is repayment of the vast contribution from government” argument is true then that means that Apple and Google should be paying fuck-all tax in the UK because the vast contribution to their infrastructure comes from the US government.

    Contradictory arguments never trouble the left.

  10. Why should a company be paying for healthcare via its tax bill? It pays National Insurance for that purpose (yes I know about the actual incidence upon labour). It also pays road fund licences, fuel duties, climate levies, apprentice levies, all kinds of sodding levies as far as the eye can see.

    So why does this guy think tax is the “gift” to government for all the infrastructure?

  11. TMB: Suffolk College as was – essentially night school & day release courses for apprentices. For a flavour read the ‘Wilt’ series by Tom Sharpe. It then became a pretend uni giving out UEA degrees but now it’s fully-fledged with all that you would expect from such an institution.

  12. @Meissen Bison – not even a technical college or a poly; the U of S only gained university status in 2016. The MBA costs £19k and doesn’t even require a GMAT score to get a place.

  13. Bloke in Costa Rica

    And that’s a university professor? The piece is both leaden and jejune, written at about the level of a right-on but not-terribly-bright A-level student. But I suppose not-terribly-bright A-level students don’t do terribly well in their A-levels and have to settle for Islington Poly, so there’s that.

  14. Apparently he talks to the big 4 all the time but refuses to say who and in what context. I would be amazed if any of the big 4 talk to him at all. I know for a fact the biggest one doesn’t.

  15. Ethics is next to Thuffolk, I think. Hence the ‘leakage’

    Used to be Suffolk College.

    Feels vs facts. Give the the latter any day. What a massive, massive con it is. But… are *they* winning?

    Apologies for the rambling. I’m sat in a charming pub in Norwich feeling rather… cosy!

  16. Ever wondered why orthodox Economics cannot deal with basic things like property price inflation? So the younger generation are slaves to science fiction rents? Meanwhile dubious customers on here (I include myself)cannot discuss where money comes from as most people think its created by the Government. Perhaps orthodox Economics is full of shit and shits.

  17. Bollocks… i meant to add, I did an ‘Applied Biology’ thingy on day release at Suffolk College when I used to work in the brewing industry 25 years ago. Good course, learned loads, but I couldn’t be arsed to finish it. Went into banking / finance instead. Still, love the beer though!

  18. Bloke in Costa Rica

    DNR Retard is like one of those wankers who claims Nikola Tesla discovered this, that and the other and “the scientific community” squelched his findings. Any time you see “orthodox X can’t explain Y” you’re in for a treat. It usually has the same level of academic rigour as some patchouli-smeared bint called Windsong telling you that reflexology is, like, totally a thing.

  19. Suffolk University is ranked 129 out of 129 universities and university colleges by The Times. It’s bog standard. And a local vanity project, resulting from a campaign initially spearheaded by Suffolk County Council, and various local firms that stood to gain from supplying and servicing this seat of ‘learning’.

  20. Perry – he talks at the big 4 all the time. He complains about the big 4 all the time. Perhaps in his mind that is talking to them.

    Cannot imagine anyone with any sense or understanding of reality listening to him….

  21. DBC Reed – what science fiction rents?
    Was looking at a property recently, the rent I would be able to charge for that size house in that size area wouldn’t quite cover the cost of renting of a mortgaged property. No science fiction involved in working out the rent that could be charged.

  22. Theo

    “Suffolk University is ranked 129 out of 129 universities and university colleges by The Times. It’s bog standard.”

    129 out of 129 is not “bog standard”..;)

  23. Suffolk University is ranked 129 out of 129 universities and university colleges by The Times. It’s bog standard.

    It’s only there to make University of Essex students feel superior. Who’d pay £19k for a worthless sheet of Venezuelan toilet paper from Trot Poly (Suffolk branch)?

    It’s a racket.

  24. Interesting detail (to me, anyway, and not really relevant to this debate except that it pertains to higher education…)

    Staffordshire University have, over the last few years, branched out into offering courses specifically aimed at military customers with Service Learning Credits to spend and career advancement to gain. For instance,

    I have to say, having done that one, four grand (I paid for myself due to circumstances and claimed it as a tax-deductible professional development expense – two colleagues, closer to the centre, got their fees paid) for what I learned was a bargain and I thoroughly enjoyed it too. Hard work to fit it around the day job plus Reserves time, but if it was easy anyone would do it… and it was very interesting to do an arts degree to finish the set (Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Science and now Master of Arts as well) and see the different approach.

    But also nice to see the free market in action – “here’s a gap! can we fill it? is there a big enough market? What can we charge that’ll bring in trade at a profit?”

    And I’ll give the teaching staff credit – at least one of them tended towards the happy-clappy-lefty “globalisation causes poverty” view, but she gave my essay blaming Third World poverty squarely on corruption a distinction – she said she didn’t agree with it and wished we were face-to-face to argue it, but I’d made a solid and well-evidenced case and deserved the marks.

  25. @ DBC Reed
    I can explain property price inflation – it is the very basic supply-demand curve. When demand is high and supply is constrained then prices go up. So under *Labour* governments property prices rise.
    What classical economics *cannot* explain is why you think property prices rise faster under Conservative goverrnments than Labour since they do not (apart from the odd blip such as when Lawson’s typist put “August” instead of “April”)

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