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The husband of the murdered MP Jo Cox has resigned from the two charities he set up in her memory after being publicly accused of sexual assault.

Technically I think he’s her widower.

But I think I must be evil. Ungracious at the very least. For my immediate supposition on hearing about two charities is that this means two CEO salaries.

16 thoughts on “Hmmm”

  1. I’m evil too.

    Interesting to know if:
    a) the missus knew;
    b) and if so, it was covered up as she was an MP.

    Whatever, the posturing from this bloke exploiting his wife’s death deserves to be undone.

  2. I heard Julia Hartley-Brewer this a.m. on Talk Radio who said it was known in media circles well before the shooting of his wife that Mr Cox was a “sex pest”.

    It’s all rather odd.

  3. In all these stories from all these charities one word is always missing – “police”. There is never any mention of anyone being reported to the police, let alone charged.

    These “safeguarding” teams – are they safeguarding the charity’s reputation or the people who work there?

  4. BiH – prior to his wife’s death he was involved with Save the Children and the allegations appear to date from a time when he was in the USA on their business. Following his wife’s murder, he set up two charities in her memory and as a useful side effect, a nice little earner for him, not to mention a new career as a celebrity.

  5. CEO? Salaried?
    Or a trustee?

    The latter being someone who cannot benefit financially except with the permission of the charity commission.

  6. Aha, “Jo Cox Foundation Trading Limited”

    (from David Morris’ link)

    What’s the betting that’s the one he’s paid through, whilst being an unpaid trustee of the charitable arm?

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