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Imagine the State fully in control of health care

We don’t actually have to imagine. People in prison are fully under the control of the State. Health care there is fully state controlled:

Almost half of England’s jails are providing inadequate medical care to inmates, whose health is being damaged by widespread failings, the NHS watchdog has told MPs in a scathing briefing leaked to the Observer.

Healthcare behind bars is so poor in some prisons that offenders die because staff do not respond properly to medical emergencies, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) says.

The State is so good at doing things.

12 thoughts on “Imagine the State fully in control of health care”

  1. “Incarceration can worsen prisoners’ existing conditions or lead to them developing new problems as a result…”

    Oh, how terrible. If only there was some way of staying out of these places…

    *rummages for tiny violin*

  2. Are you really banned from seeking private health care while behind bars?

    Granted the system is very different in Germany, but for the emergency stuff, you are pretty much always at the mercy of others (as you know this happened to me recently, although I was sufficiently aware to choose a big teaching hospital I knew had specialists in what was wrong with me, which makes a big difference to my long-term care).

    Julia, you have people on remand as well, who should not have their rights further restricted prior to conviction.

  3. BiG

    Average time on remand is 10 weeks – which is too long, btw – so they can probably cope. Hence, I’m with Julia.

    I hope you are feeling better and your condition isn’t too ‘life-limiting’.

  4. “Healthcare behind bars is so poor in some prisons that offenders die because staff do not respond properly to medical emergencies, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) says.”

    Regulatory bureaucrats – whose conclusion is obviously objective as they have ‘no’ interest in a negative report – criticise essential service as part of the trend to make prisons holiday camps.

  5. I haven’t felt this good in 18 months.

    It’s probably lifespan-limiting, but, seeing as I am having a phenomenal time 6000 miles from home, not currently lifestyle-limiting.

    I’m banking on having a good 15 to 20 years of relatively unlimited lifestyle before either technology solves my problem or Mrs BiG doesn’t get my pension.

  6. JuliaM – what proportion of prison inmates is mentally defective?

    About 5 years ago I started accepting workers referred by a prison half-way house. It changed my thinking on prisoners because I realized that a very high proportion are in fact mentally defective.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still want them imprisoned, and perhaps even more imprisoned than most. But that’s for public safety and because the fear of imprisonment is some good at crime prevention.

    Even so, much of prison is the warehousing of incapable people and we owe it to them to warehouse them properly.

  7. ‘Data collected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) shows that 224 people died of self-inflicted injuries between 2010 and 2016 in mental health hospitals in England.’

    So prison is safer for them.

  8. Fred Z
    Most mental defectives are still responsible for their actions. Having the IQ of a bright dog doesn’t absolve you of moral responsibility.

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