Pcar–The Jo Johnson caper is a plus. He states clearly and publically that the FFC ‘s own Cabinet of traitor’s know very well that she is fucking useless and her plans are a calamitous pile of shite. His remainiac drool about a 2nd vote goes only the shell-likes of remainiac scum.
In short whatever help the little WOMI turd was hoping to give the remain pukes he has in fact hit that foul cow May a much harder blow.
November 9, 2018 at 6:18 pm
How strange that Yanks are so inept at vehicle maintenance. Perhaps they are such pussies that they need Mexicans to do the job for them”
Off-topic but worth sharing is this post from the Guardian;
The definition of a hate crime was, until recently, a crime that was “motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on personal characteristics. Crimes driven by prejudice based on race, religion/faith, sexual orientation, disability, and gender identity.”
That definition – much against the advice of the police service – was changed to “any criminal offence WHICH IS PERCEIVED, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic. …. etc’. This is how the Police must record such crimes, according to their ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’.
It is the victim’s perception that is now the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. ‘Evidence of… hostility is not required for an incident or crime to be recorded as a hate crime or hate incident,’ according to the guidance. ‘The perception of the victim, or any other person, is the defining factor… the victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief, and police officers or staff should not directly challenge this perception.’
Just let that sink in. No evidence is required and it is the victim’s perception that is the defining factor. NO EVIDENCE REQUIRED. Just a feeling.
The guidance continues – ‘apparent lack of motivation as the cause of an incident is not relevant as it is the perception of the victim or any other person that counts’. We now allow the entirely subjective reaction to a crime from the victim to dictate what the crime denotes.
As a result of this stupid – really stupid – redefining, burglaries and theft are now routinely recorded as hate crimes. Of course they are – if you are the victim of a crime, any crime, the best way to ensure a prompt and thorough response is to claim it a hate crime. That immediately draws more Police attention than a ‘regular’ crime. Officers will attend the scene within hours and actually ask questions – as opposed to popping round a couple of days later and issuing you an incident number for the insurance claim. Of all the incidences of “Hate Crimes” as listed in the England & Wales Crime Survey for England and Wales, 8% are burglaries.
2% of reported hate crimes ARE BICYCLE THEFTS!
Mr Ecks
Andy–that definition is not “stupid”. It is pure Marxist cant.
That definition –removing the “reasonable man” test and replacing it with marxist subjectivist evil-was first adopted by the Civil Service in the late 1990s. On the orders of the SCS of course.
Which is one reason of many reasons I keep calling for the mass sacking of the entire SCS.
The guidance continues – ‘apparent lack of motivation as the cause of an incident is not relevant as it is the perception of the victim or any other person that counts’. We now allow the entirely subjective reaction to a crime from the victim to dictate what the crime denotes.
Not just the victim…any other person. Remember this the next time the BBC and Guardian report “a massive rise in ‘hate crimes’ due to Brexit”.
Dave Ward
“The real story being that someone had a Fiat that actually runs”
Mine does – once I’ve remembered to pull the choke out to get it started. It’s well known that FIAT stands for “Fucking Irritating At Times”…
Bloke in North Dorset
“Mine does – once I’ve remembered to pull the choke out to get it started. It’s well known that FIAT stands for “Fucking Irritating At Times”…”
Our motorhome van conversion is a FIAT and that is so true. There’s always alarms going off, it drives me insane.
Mr Womby
I thought it meant ‘Fix It Again Tomorrow’.
In the U.S., FIAT translates to Fix It Again, Tony.
Ad for FIAT:
“Radio dead, front end squeak, clutch slips, transmission growl in first gear. Just like new.”
The real story being that someone had a Fiat that actually runs.
That damned patriarchy: https://twitter.com/gma/status/1060506416903942144?s=21
How strange that Yanks are so inept at vehicle maintenance. Perhaps they are such pussies that they need Mexicans to do the job for them
‘The identity of the driver who crashed into the convoy is unknown.’
Covering up Muslim terrorism?
‘described the crash as an accident.’
Unless he fled, how could the driver’s identity not be known?
I’d like to write something extremely tasteless here but I hope you will take the sentiment on trust.
Remainer Jo Johnson has resigned over Chequers deal and further concessions and “vasssal state”
I hope the car’s ok.
I hope the car’s ok.
Who can tell? It’s a Fiat.
Oh well… Better luck next time.
Pcar–The Jo Johnson caper is a plus. He states clearly and publically that the FFC ‘s own Cabinet of traitor’s know very well that she is fucking useless and her plans are a calamitous pile of shite. His remainiac drool about a 2nd vote goes only the shell-likes of remainiac scum.
In short whatever help the little WOMI turd was hoping to give the remain pukes he has in fact hit that foul cow May a much harder blow.
November 9, 2018 at 6:18 pm
How strange that Yanks are so inept at vehicle maintenance. Perhaps they are such pussies that they need Mexicans to do the job for them”
Off-topic but worth sharing is this post from the Guardian;
The definition of a hate crime was, until recently, a crime that was “motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on personal characteristics. Crimes driven by prejudice based on race, religion/faith, sexual orientation, disability, and gender identity.”
That definition – much against the advice of the police service – was changed to “any criminal offence WHICH IS PERCEIVED, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic. …. etc’. This is how the Police must record such crimes, according to their ‘Hate Crime Operational Guidance’.
It is the victim’s perception that is now the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime. ‘Evidence of… hostility is not required for an incident or crime to be recorded as a hate crime or hate incident,’ according to the guidance. ‘The perception of the victim, or any other person, is the defining factor… the victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief, and police officers or staff should not directly challenge this perception.’
Just let that sink in. No evidence is required and it is the victim’s perception that is the defining factor. NO EVIDENCE REQUIRED. Just a feeling.
The guidance continues – ‘apparent lack of motivation as the cause of an incident is not relevant as it is the perception of the victim or any other person that counts’. We now allow the entirely subjective reaction to a crime from the victim to dictate what the crime denotes.
As a result of this stupid – really stupid – redefining, burglaries and theft are now routinely recorded as hate crimes. Of course they are – if you are the victim of a crime, any crime, the best way to ensure a prompt and thorough response is to claim it a hate crime. That immediately draws more Police attention than a ‘regular’ crime. Officers will attend the scene within hours and actually ask questions – as opposed to popping round a couple of days later and issuing you an incident number for the insurance claim. Of all the incidences of “Hate Crimes” as listed in the England & Wales Crime Survey for England and Wales, 8% are burglaries.
2% of reported hate crimes ARE BICYCLE THEFTS!
Andy–that definition is not “stupid”. It is pure Marxist cant.
That definition –removing the “reasonable man” test and replacing it with marxist subjectivist evil-was first adopted by the Civil Service in the late 1990s. On the orders of the SCS of course.
Which is one reason of many reasons I keep calling for the mass sacking of the entire SCS.
The guidance continues – ‘apparent lack of motivation as the cause of an incident is not relevant as it is the perception of the victim or any other person that counts’. We now allow the entirely subjective reaction to a crime from the victim to dictate what the crime denotes.
Not just the victim…any other person. Remember this the next time the BBC and Guardian report “a massive rise in ‘hate crimes’ due to Brexit”.
“The real story being that someone had a Fiat that actually runs”
Mine does – once I’ve remembered to pull the choke out to get it started. It’s well known that FIAT stands for “Fucking Irritating At Times”…
“Mine does – once I’ve remembered to pull the choke out to get it started. It’s well known that FIAT stands for “Fucking Irritating At Times”…”
Our motorhome van conversion is a FIAT and that is so true. There’s always alarms going off, it drives me insane.
I thought it meant ‘Fix It Again Tomorrow’.
In the U.S., FIAT translates to Fix It Again, Tony.
Ad for FIAT:
“Radio dead, front end squeak, clutch slips, transmission growl in first gear. Just like new.”