Priest reportedly confesses to sex with teen altar girl who is now pregnant
Didn’t they tell him at the seminary about the altar boys?
Priest reportedly confesses to sex with teen altar girl who is now pregnant
Didn’t they tell him at the seminary about the altar boys?
The police found 8 used condoms – that’s a weird scrapbook!
The Seminary obviously didn’t tell him what semen does either which I find ironic on torturous etymological grounds …..
Seminary – from Latin seminarium ‘seed plot’, neuter of seminarius ‘of seed’, from semen ‘seed’.
Suddenly, a vocation in the priesthood starts to look more appealing
Nice to see a heterosexual Catholic sex scandal for a change though
Maybe it was an alt girl, and spellchecker changed it.
Here in Sunny South Africa we had an Irish priest who’d been packed off to foreign climes as a sort of remittance man for making an underage girl pregnant. The more lurid rumours said that she’d hanged herself, but in those days we didn’t have the internet and search engines to distinguish between fact and fiction. Upon arriving here, he promptly set about seducing more thirteen- and fourteen-year old girls. Oddly enough, the three of his victims known to me all died of cancer of the ladybits in their forties. And that is the reason why I left the Catholic Church at age fifteen.
but in those days we didn’t have the internet and search engines to distinguish between fact and fiction.
And now we do have it’s probably more difficult to distinguish between the two!
“Nice to see a heterosexual Catholic sex scandal for a change though”
Is it?
“Nice” isn’t the word I’d have used…
The consequences of gender equality.