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Feminist drivel

To understand where the seven-day break really came from, we need to know a bit about how this society-changing drug works:

Studies have shown repeatedly that our medical system has an inherent bias against women.

The society changing contraceptive pill shows our medical system has a bias against women.

And with that logic pours petrol on itself, strikes a match and leaves the building. Pity about that science and civilisation thing but it had a good run, eh?

12 thoughts on “Feminist drivel”

  1. We have a bias against children tho, surely.

    Whichever form of civilisation replaces ours is likely to be horrified at how we “treat” natural human fertility as an illness to be contracepted or aborted away, even as birth rates fall well below replacement levels.

    And the kids who are lucky enough to survive their own mother’s womb then have to run the gauntlet of lunatic parents and doctors trying to diagnose them with ADHD or transgenderism.

    Those South American death cults were amateurs compared with Western medicine.

  2. “our medical system has an inherent bias against women”

    Yes, you only have to look at the billions poured into breast cancer research and compare it to the £3, 4 shillings and sixpence spent on prostate cancer research to realise that.

  3. The number of doctors entering the profession male and female is roughly equal. As Tim has mentioned, the typical woman doctor leaves the profession, or shifts to limited hours, at a far earlier age than do men doctors. If there is a bias in favour of men, this early retreat could be a contributing factor.

  4. Just to see if the waters break on this line of reasoning. What if periods was indeed the Pope’s red line? And so the pill got the Papal nod. Would that have been good or bad for womankind according to Alice?

  5. Steve

    how true that is – fortunately the likely victors in the coming civilisational struggle have a tendency to destroy whatever does not correspond to their worldview so there may be minimal evidence of our civilisation which is to be sure in its death throes…. I am guessing the likes of this author will be bemoaning ‘the patriarchy’ and other such concepts even as she is being beaten for not wearing the burqa…

  6. Also “presentism.”

    Note that Howarth gives Dr Rock double ought zero credit for the major contributions he made as a women’s reproductive health doctor. None.

    ‘In 1926 Rock founded the Fertility and Endocrine Clinic at the Free Hospital for Women in Brookline, one of the first such centres in the United States. He directed it till 1956.’

    One would get the idea that it best not to help women. Fickle ingrates, as it were.

  7. “Studies have shown repeatedly that our medical system has an inherent bias against women.”

    Proof then that the odd adage is true – a woman’s worst enemy is another woman.

    The NHS is 77% staffed by women, and women (and their children) are the largest users of the NHS by far. So if the NHS is discriminating against women (ha ha) it is other women that are doing it, because patriarchy one supposes.

  8. Steve

    “Whichever form of civilisation replaces ours is likely to be horrified at how we “treat” natural human fertility as an illness to be contracepted or aborted away, even as birth rates fall well below replacement levels.”

    ..but the falling below replacement levels includes the effects of affordable-to-society contraceptives…. Could well be the primary reason for such drop-off.

  9. “…natural human fertility as an illness to be contracepted…”

    Nothing wrong with contraception. I don’t want another mouth to feed every year…

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