Helen Evans, a former Oxfam safeguarding chief, criticised the report for failing to distinguish between serious sexual violence and issues of workplace harassment. She said: “Let’s be clear: by sexual misconduct we mean rape, sexual assault and other serious crimes. These cannot and must not be equated with bullying and harassment”.
We’re going to go back to making that distinction right across society, are we?
It seems Helen’s started the #et_tu? movement
Sounds like a whingeathon by some spevial snowflakes.
And that we theregore need to close Oxfam completely.
The other possibility is that the colonial complainerd are just bullshitting arseholes.
It would take a heart of stone not to laugh! But it does now establish an excellent precedent to respond to ‘#Metoo’ snowflakes – but surely harassment is fine – look at Oxfam?’
Shot by their own weapons
Sounds like rape culture is endemic there – institutionalised. Shut it down.
Who does she think she is, Matt Damon?
Who does she think she is, Matt Damon?
Possibly. Perhaps she’s auditioning for a job at NBC.
One rule for us, another for them – again.
non-profits and charities can be bad for this stuff because there’s no profit. When you get a profit, someone doesn’t want people bullying or being racist because it hurts profits. When there’s no profit, no-one cares.
Bloke on M4 – not for profits can have profits, often do. Charities can too.
Just how the profit is dealt with tends to be different.
A not for profit that doesn’t make a profit is doing badly, it cannot grow very well, cannot support others very well and a bad period of time shuts it down quickly.
Martin, A bad period of time, rather than shutting it down quickly, prompts it to get its friends in the media to lobby Ministers to throw it a lifeline at tax payers’ expense. Even if they fail, the bleating can be quite protracted.
@ Alan Peakall
That only works if it is a front for media-approved nonsense – a genuine not-for-profit like a community-run village store cannot do that (unless it is a village housing a couple of journalists’ wekend “cottages” that are the biggest houses in the villages).