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Di Tutti Twatti

Third, MMT accepts physical constraints, unlike most other economics.

The science of the allocation of scarce resources does not accept that resources are scarce?

8 thoughts on “Di Tutti Twatti”

  1. Third, MMT accepts physical constraints, unlike most other economics.

    Perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious sentence Richard Murphy has ever written.

  2. Perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious sentence Richard Murphy has ever written.

    Nah, that was when he claimed to be an economist.

  3. Most other economics accept constraints, but not physical constraints.

    If you tried to physically restrain someone who wasn’t following most other economic models, there’d be an outcry. However, physically restraining people who don’t comply with MMT is what makes the whole thing work.

  4. Remember that every time Richard calls someone a twat for not believing in or knowing of the MMT god, that he himself had never heard of it before 2012.

  5. Noel

    I’m afraid what you say is not strictly accurate.

    It was Murphy who actually invented the whole concept of MMT by himself, from first principles, without aid and not using the work of others.

    This explains why other “economists” fail to understand it, most notably like Bill Mitchell

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