The Independent Group will at last give us real opposition to Brexit
About the level of opposition we should be having too.
What is it? 7 who left Labour before they were thrown and three Lib Dems who joined the wrong party in the first place?
About the level of opposition we should be having too.
What is it? 7 who left Labour before they were thrown and three Lib Dems who joined the wrong party in the first place?
Miller is another who needs to lose her UK citizenship and be expelled–after having all her cash taken.
We need a Punishment and Retaliation Commission. There is NO possible reconciliation with the treasonous scum of Remainia. Millions voted and are willing to accept the result. Millions more have been sickened by the antics of WOMI trash trying to piss on democracy. But there is a hard core of treasonous WOMI offal with whom no reconciliation is remotely possible. The heavy hand must come down on such. Take their money and oblige as many as possible to get the fuck out of the country they want to betray. Ensure they have no power in this country and no influence–roust them if they already are in the fabric of the state. Which itself needs to cut down from its present size.
Whoops there Gina… you’ve gone off narrative.
TIG is about anti-semites in the Labour party and ‘extremists’ in the Tories. Nothing to do with Brexit… honest.
If we get to see more of Luciana Berger on the TV though all is good. Top notch eye candy that one.
If we get to see more of Luciana Berger on the TV though all is good. Top notch eye candy that one
I think she may be regretting throwing her lot in with snakeoil sellers and narcissists like Chuka and Soubry
” Top notch eye candy that one.”
I must buy a pair of glasses like yours.
“If we get to see more of Luciana Berger on the TV though all is good. Top notch eye candy that one.”
Well, political hot. If somehow you ended up on a desert island with parliament, she’s not a bad choice.
Jonathon–standards are extremely low on this blog. She might be a big hit in some jail somewhere but otherwise you will pass one hundred better on any short to middle distance urban walk. And most will likely be without the remainiac treason.
Go on then, move an alternative to Brexit in the Commons. 11 votes isn’t a majority. Brexit is the status quo, and – thanks to Gina Miller – to change the status quo you have to legislate for something else, to legislate for something else you need a majority Parliament. You would think as legislators they would understand who legislates.
I thought the Sainted Gina was not per se opposed to Brexit, she just wanted parliament to have the final say on the agreed terms? I’m sure I remember her holding herself out as no more than an honest broker. Ahem.
She wanted parliament to have a meaningful vote. Given the default was no-deal then how could parliament have a meaningful vote if they were presented with deal, or (claimed) chaos? For parliament to be truly empowered they would need to see a fully fleshed out optimised no-deal scenario.
Oh I seem to have missed the bit where Gina campaigned for a well designed no-deal plan.
Best described as zoftig, would have thought.
This simian anti-democrat has changed her original position from statements that her actions were only to seek clarification that Parliament is sovereign to out and out opposition to Brexit.
I’m amazed she was a model. Modelling what? IMO she is suited to profit from her appearance only as an extra in Planet of the Apes without need for make up or prosthetics
You talking about Gina Miller or Luciana Berger?
Frankly I wouldn’t touch either of them with a ten-foot barge pole, but each to his own I guess.
As for Gina Miller ever being an “honest broker” – don’t make me laugh. That sort of mendacity might go down well in front of Lord Justice Cocklecarrot, but us ordinary types out in the real world understand that she’s just mouthing the bullshit and Ms Gina Nadira Miller (née Singh) with her dodgy Guyanese-British connections can go fuck herself with a cactus.
Mr Ecks may be somewhat extreme in his views, but he’s spot on with this traitor. To The Tower with her, post haste!
This is why i’m so thankful we have FPTP, With PR they form a small party around their niche bugbears and wait for the call when the inevitable coalition negotiations begin. No, either stay in the party and keep your discipline, or form your own mass appeal party and message to persuade a mass electorate your compromises are better than the other lot’s compromises.
The problem is though, that by weakening both the Tory party and Labour they might be able to make coalition government more likely.
Fortunately, this rag-tag of fantasists, led by a narcissist have about as much chance of forming a stable centre party as I have of winning the Miss Universe competition. I’ll be stunned if it even survives to the next General Election.
I was being sarcastic, chaps.
Sorry Ed, we’ve reached such a peak of chaos with BRExit that “Poe’s Law” applies to pretty much everything about it nowadays.
With sarcasm diacritics I can no longer tell anymore.
@John Galt
may I refer you to our learned friend’s use of the expression “Ahem” in his earlier contribution, use of which is taken generally to deflect from a possible Poe construction.
“by weakening both the Tory party and Labour they might be able to make coalition government more likely.”
-Long term a new party will have to draw equally from existing parties support for there to be long term baked in coalitions. IG may think that there’s a need for a centrist pro-european party but (like everyone else) they’ve forgotten about the LIbdems. IG would be 1) fighting for LD supporters with their core message, and 2) the lib dem have been banging that drum for yonks and they’re worse off than ever (not that they’re particularly centrist though).You need PR.
They (IG) and the ilLiberals need PR (and I remember that pos Clegg vetoing the much needed constituency re-jig because he didn’t get it).
We don’t.
Speaking of the constituency re-jig, is that still happening or what?
John Galt,
“Fortunately, this rag-tag of fantasists, led by a narcissist have about as much chance of forming a stable centre party as I have of winning the Miss Universe competition. I’ll be stunned if it even survives to the next General Election.”
These people were all heading for being fucked before the next election. They’re jumping from sinking ships into a lifeboat without rations. Not much chance of survival, but still better for them.
The likes of Berger and Ummuna are in nice, safe seats. Why would Corbyn let some soft New Labour type have that? And on the flip side, the likes of Wollaston are facing deselection from the membership.
Polls have consistently shown that remain is about 10% ahead for some time now and yet the heirs to Enoch Powell and Tony Benn are equally determined to dump the country off a cliff
It is interesting that Mr Worstall , who is such a fan of free markets ( he do say) is such a fan boy of the two Party monopoly we suffer.
Were there an open market in ideas how long do you think Blue Kip racists and sixth commies would last ….not long .
I shall be supporting this exciting new radical center against the nuts fruitcakes dippy lefties and closet racists who( my god it is actually true ) run the country
ha ha ha ha…weep…
Oh god I love Anna Soubry …. so much it hurts
SE- “we don’t” yes that’s right, wonder how long the people’s vote role out their next day for another people’s vote. I think they should call themselves the referendum party.
Newmania- no what happens is the compromising is done by the electorate rather than by the politicos. In 2 party system more or less they have to go along with what’s in the manifesto. With coalitions nope, you’re far freer to offer what people might be attracted to and vote for, then dump it for a ministry or a sinecure.
These are presumably the same polling organisations that said that “Remain”, Hillary, etc. would win right up to the moment they lost, yes?
I’m not saying I have no faith in pollsters, certainly Sir John Curtice (Professor of Political Practice at Strathclyde University) seems to know his stuff and was a genuine pleasure to hear his understated views on referendum night. Good to know that the Gramsican March through the Institutions hasn’t completely wiped out original thought.
The truth is that given the persecution by political correctness that is prevalent in the West at the present time, “The Silent Majority” are a lot more “The Silenced Majority” right now. That isn’t a good thing for either the pollsters or the wider electorate at large, since the backlash when the “silenced” speak out and with one voice can be frightening (not to say triggering) to our snowflake generations.
I’m not saying that you’re wrong Newmania, so much as that you are indulging in the delusions of the Westminster / Islington bubble. Quit reading the fucking Grauniad and actually listen to what ordinary folks are saying in the places where they have been cast for being “too male, too pale, too stale”. A genuine desire to be “woke and down wif da kids” won’t help you when the time comes to pay the piper.
As for your new found love of the TIGgers. 🙂 I wouldn’t get comfortable. They’ll be fighting like cats in a sack before too long (if they aren’t already in the backrooms of their echo chamber). They have no collective belief, just a bunch of political waifs and strays.
Stay deluded my friend.
Case in point being the Romanian example where after the elections the politicians from the losing party just cross-the-floor to join the winners party, since that’s the only way to enjoy the loot (over and above their parliamentary pay, obviously). This leads to the Romanian electorate being more than unusually cynical, not surprisingly.
Anyone wishing such antics on their own country is by definition a traitor. Ecksian solutions all round I think.
Starfish – Heidi Allen is not too bad either. As you might say political hot
I know it’s full moon an’ all, but what the fuck is a “radical centre”?
Has Gina been living under a rock?
Con, Green, Lib, Lab, Plaid and SNP are all anti-Brexit
Has Gina been living under a rock?
Con, Green, Lib, Lab, Plaid and SNP are all anti-Brexit
Re Monkeys
Link to that chimp monkey eating society vid please
Poor Newmania – he knows that the number one activity of the EU in money terms is the centralisation of hand outs incident on owners of land. ( CAP + rural support )
I’ve been waiting 2 years+ for a paper suggesting that this system is better than the counterfactuals of none at all and devolution to members. None has been forthcoming.
He may claim to like the TIGers, but underneath that veneer he and his wealthy support group are actually lovers of landowner kok.
More Treasonous Tripe from the Facepainter.
The polls were weaponised by leftist/remain scum long ago.
On Ref day and the Trump election they were peddling how hopeless it was to oppose remain/Killery who had already won so you might as well stay at home if you weren’t on Team Treason. Ordinary folk saw through the cockrot tho’.
In June 2017 they decided to target a much easier to fool moron–The Fish-Faced Cow. Conned her she was 20 points ahead. To her this meant 150 BluLabour turd majority to shoo her treacherous BRINO through without demur. She got the same suck in that you are riding for Facepaint.
Your remain gang have lost ground cos millions have seen what lying, deceitful treasonous anti-democratic, anti-freedom shite you and Treason May are. Not to mention the scum of the EU. Forget your lying fuckwit polls. You fool only yourself Numbnuts.
The FFC was about 20 points ahead (no great achievement facing Uncle Death). And then managed to produce a manifesto guaranteed to lose an election, the worst in my memory (that goes back to 1970).
I’m not sure how this was achieved, one possible explanation is that she’s a total political moron, but that doesn’t jibe with survival for 6 years as Home Secretary. The other is that it was done deliberately, but I can’t see a motive.
Check the answer from Andrew Hart, what an odious creep:
My reply has been deleted.
If Newmania has the hots for Ms Soubry, then perhaps that only further validates the view of his mental state that has developed here. I do wonder at her mental state too. She does seem to have a very short fuse.
jgh said:
“Brexit is the status quo …thanks to Gina Miller”
I still love this.
If I were to feel generous, which doesn’t happen often for Vidkun May, I would suggest that, seeing a 20 point lead in the polls and an opponent that would rather consort with terrorists than Brits, they decided to pack the manifesto with policies that really need to happen, but are extremely unpopular. That way when forcing them through the House of Cronies they could resort to the parliament act, having still won a landslide.
Alternatively, the manifesto was drafted by a cretin.
I note that the TIGgers are proponents of a “People’s Vote” yet when called to face a people’s vote in their own constituencies they are off like Sir Robin faced with the Three-Headed Knight.
That’s a good point, and you may well be correct. They might just have got away with it had May been capable of putting on a public performance vaguely approximating that of a human being, rather than a clockwork automaton with a badly broken mechanism.
Is Gina the black sheep of the family?