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March 2019

This isn’t new

Army rejects applicants with acne

My brother tried to join up for years. Continually rejected for acne. Did TA and all that, still couldn’t get into the regulars. Think he was a non com in the TA or reserves or some level of it all. As a qualified chef and doing the catering stuff that’s what they do I think – like Doctors always starting out as Captains.

Not acne as in the odd pimple, acne as in back stuff meaning that pack carrying was going to be difficult. Seems a decent enough reason to be turned down on medical grounds to be honest.

An interesting point

Society is breaking down. Every day a new horror arises and I’m terrified
Suzanne Moore

Maybe the entire direction of society has been wrong these decades? Roll everything back to the 1950s and start over maybe?

This is fun

So, The Guardian runs a series for a week telling us all that concrete is the Very Devil. And now they run a page of responses. One of which is simply a tweet from someone picking up my own piece telling The Guardian they’re all wet.

Wisdom here

It s Karneval time in the Papist areas of the country and there are fewer more depressing sights than watching Germans try to enjoy themselves

Bloke No Longer In Austria, in the comments.

Well, yes, sure

Harriet Wistrich, Mrs Challen’s lawyer, said there were “many more cases” of women whose years of abuse by their partners would merit a reassessment of their convictions. One has already been given leave to appeal.

“How many have been convicted for murder where they’ve killed someone abusing them?” said Ms Wistrich. “There are probably dozens of them.”

If we relax these standards then we must do so in a decidedly non-gendered manner, no?

How many men are serving murder sentences for having killed nagging wives? Or perhaps a little stronger – but our definition of domestic abuse is gender equal now, isn’t it?