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This is rather Pooter, isn’t it?

Friday’s are teaching days for me this term. I like teaching. I like students. They seem to like me. Although that said, I am not sure that Friday’s, teaching and students always mix as well as they might. Students seem to have an MP’s attitude to Friday afternoons: they’d rather be somewhere else.

Is it the Friday or the teacher?

It’s a mess.

And what is astonishing is that after a week of debate it is effectively the same mess. We went nowhere.

What a way to run down a country.

If the government was a company it would be in administration.

If it was a local authority it would have been relieved of its responsibility.

And if a public agency its management would long ago have been sacked.

But a government can just blunder on. And without an effective opposition also able to hold its party together that’s what it will keep doing.

And so the rundown will continue.

This from the man who wants government to have more power….

14 thoughts on “This is rather Pooter, isn’t it?”

  1. It’s all rather silly. The board are squabbling but the public finances look good. The government is paying interest on its debt. Who would force the company into administration? In fact, the real worry is what they would be doing if they were not so distracted by Brexit

  2. He doesn’t want this government to have more power. He wants his government to have all the power.

  3. If theres’ such a thing as a society or federation of Greengrocer’s Murphy should be elected it’s honorary president.

  4. He’s part of the shrill never ending chorus of doom mongers telling mps that the world is going to end when we brexit – the supermarkets will be empty of food, gangs of wild dogs will room the land, hospitals will have no medication etc and he wonders why mps (not known as being exceptionally clever at the best of times) act like rabbits caught in the headlights of an approaching car. He thinks he’s part of the solution when he part of the problem.

    With regard to his lectures, one only has to look at his blog to see that the only comments allowed are ones that agree with him and tell him that he’s wonderful. I imagine that in his lectures, if he doesn’t get a round of applause every time he finishes a sentence that he starts insulting his students with his usual put downs. At the end of the lecture he probably won’t physically let them leave until he get’s a standing ovation.

  5. Does anyone know anyone who knows someone who might know someone who has actually been to one of his lectures?

  6. @Diogenes

    Don’t worry, despite Brexit, they are still engaged in banning things. The latest is gas central heating for new houses from 2025, because they would really like us to all live in the cold and dark.

  7. ‘If the government was a company it would be in administration.

    If it was a local authority it would have been relieved of its responsibility.’

    Y’all don’t use subjunctive mood in English English?

    Or is the Grand Courtier illiterate?

  8. He’s illiterate, of course. But if I were to use the subjunctive, it might, nowadays, be thought a little pedantic.

  9. Hey–in case you lads hadn’t thought on –with Gab Dissenter Murph has an unbannable comments section whether he likes it or not.

    Let the fun begin.

  10. Littlejohn:

    Be in no doubt that what we are witnessing is a coup against the people. There may not be tanks on the streets, but it’s a coup all the same. A few hundred MPs have decided to defy the will of the 17,410,742 British citizens who voted to leave the EU. It was the largest number of people to have voted for anything in our proud history.

    But the majority of ‘Hon members’ have been determined to overturn the referendum result, despite repeatedly promising to ‘respect’ it. The electorate is being treated with undisguised contempt. If they get away with it — which they probably will — Britain will have ceased to be a proper democracy.

    Any chance of securing a dignified exit from the EU was scuppered on Wednesday night, when MPs voted to take No Deal off the table.

    What’s the point of entering any kind of negotiation when your opponents know there’s no chance of you walking away without a deal, no matter how derisory?

    About the same as agreeing to pay a £39 billion bill up front, I guess, without knowing what you’re going to get in return. If you’re not prepared to walk away empty-handed, you’re going to get taken to the cleaners.

    Curiously, one of the proposers of the No Deal motion was Labour MP Jack Dromey, a former trades union official and husband of Harriet Harman.

    Jack used to be a national officer with the TGWU, now Unite. Somehow I can’t ever imagine him going into talks with an employer, on his hands and knees, promising that he’d take whatever pathetic pay rise they decided to offer and guaranteeing there was no danger that his members would go on strike. He’d have been lynched as a class traitor.

    Worst of all, May deceived the British public, for which she deserves never to be forgiven. She’s entitled to humiliate herself, but she’s not entitled to humiliate her country.

    Meanwhile, Tony Blair, a former Prime Minister, has been encouraging EU leaders to stand firm against Britain.

    ‘Traitor’ is a highly-charged word, but how else to describe an ex-PM conspiring with foreign powers to thwart the will of his own people?

    Ultimately, however, this is about much more than just Brexit. It’s about how we are governed and whether we live in a functioning democracy. Right now, we don’t.

    Why bother with a second referendum or, even, a General Election? We’ve had both in the past three years and the politicians have simply ignored promises they made at the time.

    The referendum gave a clear instruction to Leave. At the election, 85 per cent of people voted for parties who promised to respect the referendum result.

    Yet the overwhelming majority of MPs no longer feel it necessary to honour their manifesto commitments. Once inside the Westminster bubble, they think they can behave as they like, and to blazes with the people who pay their wages.

    This isn’t representative government, it’s revolution. Parliament has rebelled against the people.

  11. The problem that our so called elected representatives have is that this wasn’t supposed to happen. The referendum was held because UKIP was becoming a threat and the way to eliminate that threat was to have the British public vote to remain in the EU. They weren’t supposed to vote to leave, that wasn’t in the script.

  12. Bloke in North Dorset

    We had a very rare discussion on Brexit in the pub this evening. One of the louder members of the group had an Ecksyian rant about how we’d been betrayed by our own
    MPs and how the EU had shown itself to be evil.

    He’d voted Remain.

    He explained he had been an EU Fedarlist but watching the EU bureaucracy over the past 2 years had opened his eyes.

  13. Gamecock: Y’all don’t use subjunctive mood in English English?

    Certainly we do and what jars for you in Capt. Potato’s usage offends my ear too. He’s old enough to have been taught this kind of thing at school but it is pretty widely recognised that he is impervious to knowledge that he hasn’t himself expounded.

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