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What an opportunity for stereotyping

Pregnant bride-to-be, 21, flees court in tears as her lesbian lover is jailed for five years for repeatedly stabbing ‘homophobic’ woman with a pen knife after she ‘called her an ugly dyke’

The lover worked as a bouncer. Is it entirely necessary to be so stereotypically butch and femme?

7 thoughts on “What an opportunity for stereotyping”

  1. Glorious exclusive from the Daily Fail.

    I can’t believe what I’m missing by living in Spain!

    De wold gon crazy, mon!

  2. Dennis the Peasant

    Three losers share the same space and something bad happens. Who could have seen this coming?

  3. Colonel Mustard in the Ballroom with a pen knife.

    ‘after she ‘called her an ugly dyke’’

    Hard to argue with the picture.

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