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Silly business

Rupert Murdoch has been told he must overhaul independent oversight of The Times and The Sunday Times to win government approval for newsroom cuts.

Jeremy Wright, the Culture Secretary, said he was “minded to” approve an application from News UK, the media mogul’s British operation, to lift a ban on staff journalists working across both titles.

However, he said he was “unable to accept the proposed undertakings in their current form” due to concerns about “lack [of] clarity and certainty over roles and responsibilities” under a special governance regime meant to curb Mr Murdoch’s influence over UK media.

The rules were agreed with the Government when he bought both newspapers in 1981 amid fears…

The newspaper business has rather changed since 1981, no? But the bureaucracy carries on as if it hasn’t. Huzzah for regulatory control of the economy then, eh?

6 thoughts on “Silly business”

  1. The Meissen Bison

    Well yes, and one of the changes was Rupert Murdoch’s closure of the NotW and the subsequent publication of The Sun on sundays.

    Jeremy (where has he sprung from?) Wright is probably no better qualified to do his job than Karen Bradley (who famously admitted that she did not realise that the people of NI vote on sectarian lines) is to do hers.

    What a shower.

  2. Dennis the Peasant

    What sort of democracy regulates its (so called) independent news organizations to this degree?

    Britain: Third World all the way down the line.

  3. @The Meissen Bison April 12, 2019 at 9:09 am


    Jeremy (where has he sprung from?) Wright was on QT last week: more dull, grey and robotic than Traitor Hammond

    Gov’t regulating which titles a journalist can write for is insane

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