Mueller report: press secretary Sarah Sanders admitted to lying to reporters
Why would you have one if that wasn’t the point?
Mueller report: press secretary Sarah Sanders admitted to lying to reporters
Why would you have one if that wasn’t the point?
Media tarts who spent 3 years brazenly lying to the entire world that the President of the United States was a secret KGB agent and fan of prossie pee pee parties are shocked – shocked! – that a PR flak catcher they’ve personally vilified for years wasn’t entirely honest with them.
(*honk honk*)
She said ‘countless’. That’s not lying unless she counted them.
She also said numerous which implies more than 1
‘Hatred of journalists whipped up by populist and authoritarian leaders is degenerating into violence across the world, media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) warned Thursday.’
Resistance is futile. When CNN publishes an ocean of fake news, Trump is supposed to remain silent. If he speaks up, it is an incitement to violence. Lefties control the media, and have set it up so heads they win, tails you lose.
Gamecock – I feel sure the only way to get to the bottom of this kerfuffle is to send journalists into the Saudi embassy, one at a time.
Gamecock – I feel sure the only way to get to the bottom of this kerfuffle is to send journalists into the Saudi embassy, one at a time.
And to make sure the local HSS has plenty of stock.
Hatred of journalists whipped up by populist and authoritarian leaders is degenerating into violence across the world
What about when they blatantly misrepresent someone in an interview to get the sacked and celebrate it afterwards?
They get a Pulitzer?