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Well, yes, obviously

The FT has noted this morning just how out of line US banks are on fossil fuel investment when compared with other banks and the fact that fossil fuels are now known to be threatening the future of life on earth (and I stress: that’s a fact, not an opinion).

The US is the only place that allows fracking – for oil as well as gas – on a large scale. It’s also one of the few places that has been reducing emissions in recent years.

Funny that, isn’t it? That the banks in a country finance the activity in that country?

20 thoughts on “Well, yes, obviously”

  1. fossil fuels are now known to be threatening the future of life on earth (and I stress: that’s a fact, not an opinion).

    That’s far from being a “fact”, it’s a pretty wild speculation based purely on the worst-case results of shonky computer models.

  2. Whenever someone stresses that something’s a fact and not opinion, you know it’s an opinion, and a crazy one.

  3. Can Murphy be effectively prohibited from using *any* fossil fuels? – it just seems that Smart Meters are inherently ideal for a series of tariffs and (especially) cut-offs tailored for the likes of Murphy. The idea of Mrs Murphy pedalling away so’s the senior lecturer can type is something that I wish could be made real.

    It is high time that Piety Power plc was formed to allow virtue signallers an easy route to disconnect themselves from evil fossil fuels.

    Where are the “Power Vegans” who will not use anything even tainted by ee-vil CO2 belching fossil fuels?

  4. It’s such an emergency that a) he’s not downsizing from his 4 bedroomed house despite him being single (and i presume he heats his house – it can get nippy in the fens – presumably by gas?) b) He’s keeping his car c) he’s only going to fly – when” he needs to” but he is going to have only one sausage with his fried breakfast to save the planet.

  5. @ Tim,
    Leaders in %age reduction in emissions over last decade are Ukraine followed by Denmark, Finland and UK.
    Admittedly the absolute amount of reduction by the USA is bigger, but there are dozens of countries which are not only reducing emissions but reducing them faster (23 European countries for starters, 6 European countries are reducing emissions but not as fast as the USA).
    Regrettably all this effort is wasted as China has increased emissions by twice as much as the USA has reduced them.

  6. “…shale gas commissioner, Natascha Engel, pointed out in her resignation statement: ‘A perfectly viable industry is being wasted because of a Government policy driven by environmental lobbying, rather than science, evidence and a desire to see UK industry flourish.’

    The specific issue vexing Ms Engel is that the Government is refusing to relax a rule that if the fracking caused an Earth tremor of over 0.5 on the Richter scale, then site operations should cease for 18 hours.

    This makes the exploration process untenable. And, as Engel points out, a tremor of 0.5 on the Richter scale would scarcely be felt by humans.

    The limit was not based on scientific advice: geo-scientists had told the Government that a limit of 1.5 would be absolutely safe as the maximum allowable tremor — which itself is less than the limits of between 2 and 4.5 in the United States, where shale gas has been produced in vast quantities with no casualties among the population.

    Bear in mind that the Richter scale is logarithmic: so a 0.5 magnitude tremor is over 3,000 times smaller than one of magnitude 4.

    Thus, in February, 49 geo-scientists signed a letter to The Times pointing out that the 0.5 limit was not just ‘so low as to threaten the potential development of a shale gas industry in the UK’, but that ‘this is far below the levels set for comparable industries in the UK, such as quarrying, mining and deep geothermal energy’….”

  7. Dennis the Peasant

    Thus, in February, 49 geo-scientists signed a letter to The Times pointing out that the 0.5 limit was not just ‘so low as to threaten the potential development of a shale gas industry in the UK’, but that ‘this is far below the levels set for comparable industries in the UK, such as quarrying, mining and deep geothermal energy’….”

    The British Fuck Something Else Up.

    There’s a headline you don’t see often.

  8. ‘the fact that fossil fuels are now known to be threatening the future of life on earth’

    Without them, 90% of the people in the UK will be DEAD WITHIN A MONTH.

    How well does ‘threatening the future’ stack up against EVERYBODY WILL BE FUCKING DEAD BY THE END OF MAY ???

  9. Last year I was 50, and 30 years after learning Japanese at university so I could chat up the pretty Japanese students, I treated myself to actually going to Japan. So, one return ‘plane trip in 30 years. Where do I measure on the self-preen-ometer?

  10. tomo: The idea of Mrs Murphy pedalling away so’s the senior lecturer can type is something that I wish could be made real.

    I believe the reality was that Mrs (Dr) Murphy’s pedals were connected to a standard bicycle rather than a generator and that she decamped the marshalling-yard of mayhem.

    Sad, I know.

  11. @DtP

    Now Murph’s an expert on climate change…

    He certainly seems to be as qualified as many green activists

  12. Isn’t human power incredibly inefficient compared to even wind or solar or fossil fuels. So a bike powered laptop would require huge calorific inputs of food, which to make enough power to even write this?

    Second order effects are completely lost on most enviro loons.

  13. ‘… and I stress: that’s a fact, not an opinion).’

    Nope. It not a fact no matter how much you ‘stress’.

    A prediction cannot be a fact until it is confirmed from observation.

    It is therefore a non-evidence based opinion like Santa Claus, fairies at the bottom of the garden, the end of Polar bears, God, overpopulation and mass starvation by year 2000, no more Summer Arctic Sea ice by 2013, no more snow, no ski-industry in Europe after 2010, etc.

  14. @Dennis the Peasant April 29, 2019 at 7:52 pm

    “The British Gov’t Fuck Something Else Up”


    British firms and people constantly wasting resources trying to minimise British/EU Gov’t Fuck Ups

  15. British fuck ups get noticed, because they’re unusual. Septic ones don’t, because they’re not.

    e.g. I’m currently in a Hilton. They want €5/day for WiFi, whereas I haven’t stayed in a European (let alone a UK) hotel with Internet access charges for a decade. But the top management think the entire world is just like Virginia.

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