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Wouldn’t have happened with plastic straws

Metal drinking straw warning after death of woman impaled through eye

14 thoughts on “Wouldn’t have happened with plastic straws”

  1. Emergency cabinet meeting to meet this menace.

    Post-Brexit, minorities, gays and gay minorities will be impaled on metal straws daily by far-Right mobs of people who like watching reruns of The Sweeney on ITV2.

  2. What’s a few grannies to potentially save a whale?

    Given that the grannies are destroying the environment anyway, it’s hardly a loss is it? The only remaining problem is their decomposition, can’t have that polluting poor Gaia. Far better if they hadn’t been born, but we’ll take care of that with the next generation, hey?

  3. I shall withhold judgement until I have learnt what Greta Tintin* Eleonora Ernman Thunberg has to say on the matter.

    * Yes, that’s her real name. Parents utterly balanced and normal.

  4. I’ve been thinking about this fuss about plastic:

    – we feel we ought to recycle it (finite resource, etc. – people keep telling us that the oil is going to run out).

    – but it doesn’t recycle well, it costs more than to make new, and it possibly uses more resources to recycle than to make new, so although there’s a strong desire that we should recycle it, there’s very little demand for actually doing so.

    – so we pretend to recycle it, paying people in poor countries to take it and lie that they are going to recycle it, but actually they dump it in insecure ways, whence it gets into the rivers and eventually the sea, where it chokes Flipper and his pals (which we would like to avoid, if it isn’t too troublesome to do so).

    – it takes 1,000 years to break down, or so we’re told, which means that it’s a problem once it becomes litter (including the stuff we’ve paid poor countries to pretend to recycle).

    So, why don’t we go back to burying it in big holes in the ground? It’s safe there, it won’t get into the sea and choke Flipper, and it’s a cheap solution so it’s less likely to get dumped (because the cost of proper disposal is low).

    But we dump it in special holes in the ground, so we know where it is. We’re told the stuff lasts for a thousand years and more (this is the problem once it becomes litter), so when the oil starts running out (as the greens keep telling us it will), then we can dig it all up, wash it down and recycle it then.

    At that point it will be worth recycling, and it will be a valuable resource rather than a problem.

    Have I missed something (other than the sanctimony of the greens)? It seems like a simple solution to the problem.

  5. The whole article is a bit odd.

    How does this sentence appear in the article, “Mrs Struthers-Gardner had been involved in the professional equestrian world until injury curtailed her career”, when referring to a 60 year old who had an injury at 21.

    And then this call for “Something must be done”,
    “Reading a statement to the inquest, Robin Struthers, Mrs Struthers-Gardner’s brother, called for the coroner to comment on how easy it is to purchase metal straws, adding: “These straws can very easily be lethal.””

  6. Steel drinking straws??? Surely that’s even more resource use than placcy ones.

    How have these people managed to progress past the age of two without being able to drink from a cup?

  7. @RichardT July 9, 2019 at 1:26 pm


    Re: “why don’t we go back to burying it in big holes in the ground? It’s safe there, it won’t get into the sea and choke Flipper, and it’s a cheap solution so it’s less likely to get dumped (because the cost of proper disposal is low).”

    EU ruled it was unfair competition as Holland doesn’t have holes. Thus, we all now copy & pay for Holland’s lack of holes instead of Holland paying for their own waste disposal.

    Damaging Economy? That’s OK if it’s virtue signalling, socialism, punishment or preventing Brexit.

    @jgh July 9, 2019 at 4:34 pm

    Nailed it. If customer asks for a straw, serve drink in a baby-cup.

  8. “Something must be done”

    Why? People fall down carrying things in their hands. Sometimes it ends badly. So we are to bar adults from having anything that could hurt them if they fall down with it?

    Sig heil, MF.

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