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Seems sound

Behind the charm and ready smile Bell was a volatile and insecure man of robust, right-wing opinions. He believed in capitalism and disliked the high-minded liberalism that he claimed dominated the media and universities. He was hostile to the EU, opposed most regulation of businesses and loathed such Tory “wets” as Chris Patten, Ian Gilmour and even John Major.

Especially that last…..

6 thoughts on “Seems sound”

  1. He believed in capitalism and disliked the high-minded liberalism that he claimed dominated the media and universities.

    Claimed, eh?

  2. If that’s “liberalism” in the American sense – i.e. illiberal in a socialist direction – then the claim is true. If in the British sense, or at least the classical British sense, then untrue.

  3. It occurs to me that there’s an Italian word for “illiberal in a socialist direction”. It’s on the tip of my tongue: what can it be?

  4. dearieme: what can it be?

    I know, I can’t quite place it either but I keep seeing bundles of sticks.

  5. “and even John Major.” – obviously obit writer disagrees with Lord Bell

    imo Major was/is a nasty, vindictive & cunning wet; rather like May

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