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The new Rocco movie

Chris McGovern, chair of the Campaign for Real Education and a former Government advisor, said that the focus on workload has become a “distraction”.

He added: “Teachers end up being used as porns in a political war, they are being encouraged to think they are over worked.

Although the genre of teacher does overtime to educate the pupil has been covered before….

9 thoughts on “The new Rocco movie”

  1. “At 07:00 hours, following a preparatory bombardment, the 2nd battalion Duke of Cumberland’s Light Minxes will jump out of the trench and wrestle naked in that mud bath in no man’s land”

  2. Although the genre of teacher does overtime to educate the pupil has been covered before…

    I’ve abandoned wrestling with the possible meaning of that…

  3. Did McG make that howler himself or is it some journopuke who spent too much time reading Marx instead of reading English.

    There also exists the possibilty that the “error” was a deliberate move by Marxist shite trying to discredit and bring derision on an enemy of state education.

  4. “Teachers end up being used as porns in a political war, they are being encouraged to think they are over worked.”

    Are British journos not taught how properly to punctuate transcribed speech? That comma should be a full-stop, or at the very least a semi-comma.

  5. LOL That’s what I get for posting from work, trying to do several things at once, and not get caught by the boss.

    ‘Semi-colon’, of course.

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