By the time I finally got my initial appointment at the gender clinic, I was already well on the way to addressing my mental health issues.
By the time I finally got my initial appointment at the gender clinic, I was already well on the way to addressing my mental health issues.
More important stuff goping on than trannie cockrot Tim.
Where now after this mornings–expected Treason?
There were no rainbow flags in my GP’s surgery, no posters about LGBT+ helplines, just a bunch of magazines about expensive things for straight people.
There probably weren’t any leaflets advertising the benefits of smoking either.
Please tell me this is the Spud
Ecks – Dunno, but if I were Boris, it’d look something like refusing Royal Assent on any bill this Parliament now tries to push through, while demanding a general election.
Might be worth proroguing again, mibbe not. But it’s worth exploring.
Apparently the Tories are going to ask Parliament for a brief recess so they can have their party conference – I hope they’ve planned for what to do when Parliament rejects this out of spite.
Medium term, the Supreme Court needs to be abolished and hopefully some punitive measures attached for the benefit of our would-be judicial tyrants.
Refuse to co-op will get a VONC but the cunts have 14 days to put their own gang up and if they can –they are in to 2022.
Time for CCA or porougue again. Time for Johnson to do something other than the return of Treason’s cockrot and refusing a pact that will win it for him.
And MBE and BiND can both fuck off with polls. If the UK swallows this load of shite we are finished anyway.
And both the Limp Dicks and ZaNu have shoved red hot pokers up their own arseholes by reason of their conference capers.
By the time I finally got my initial appointment at the gender clinic, I was already well on the way to addressing my mental health issues.
More important stuff goping on than trannie cockrot Tim.
Speaking of doubtful mental health, here’s Ecks!
Dennis the Dickhead–Liberal hero–118 sexes to choose from and still an ugly cunt.
Dennis – Xe looks to be the picture of normalcy, bigot:
VONC will either get a general election or an even smaller minority government, followed by another VONC etc. Until eventually an election is held.
Will the Tories hold their nerve, at least until some polls come out to indicate support for Boris?
Don’t forget that article 50 is but one way out- the treaties could simply be denounced. And that can be done whatever the treaties say.
Ultimately is independence the settled wish of the British people, or is it a passing fad as the establishment is betting. That will ultimately decide the issue.
It’s the cheek of the politicians that is unbelievable.
Corbyn et al all saying they want a general election.
Corbyn: “So, obey the law, take no-deal off the table and have an election to elect a government that respects democracy, that respects the rule of law and brings power back to the people, not usurps it in the way that Boris Johnson has done”
Hey, dumbshit Grandpa death, it was you lot who prevented an election a few weeks ago.
How dumb do they think we are?
Honestly, I’m starting to understand how people like Hitler come to power and get voted for. Can’t be any worse than this bunch of treasonous, duplicitous snakes.
F’em all.
How many Rubicons must be crossed?
My last comment referred to today’s SC decision.
Anyhoo, to recap:
1) the legislature has decided it is also the executive, and the nominal government really is in office but not in power, but;
2) the executive legislature is like a cabal of thieves, unable to agree on how to divide the spoils. So it, too, cannot govern;
3) the one good thing to come out of all this is that they are not passing any of their other endless, interfering laws;
4) prominent members of the legislature are conspiring with a foreign power against the promise of their own party manifestos, the will of the British electorate and against our own obvious national interest;
5) we can’t have a general election to clear the decks of this treasonous shower until 2021 but, even if we could, what would be the point? They all broke their last most significant manifesto commitment;
6) BoJo, in the circumstances as I’ve described them, won’t resign. Why? he has been reduced to the status of a parliamentary herald, and wants to hang on to it;
7) the exec-legislature will not countenance no deal, cannot agree on the surrender agreement and hopes the EU will extend Art 50. Again;
8) Brenda has not descended from on high either to dismiss her government as lacking the confidence of the House, or to invoke some obscure reserve power by which she can send them all home as a disgrace to the last 350 years of our history;
9) If the EU won’t extend, then we’re still out on October 31st. And, what? parliament impeaches itself for breaking the law it passed (stop laughing at the back);
10) the SC is now a common or garden political arena, once and for all. Borking and lawfare become the norm;
11) the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty is taken to its ultimate, obscene conclusion: it derives no legitimacy from the people.
In the meantime, businesses are being driven to the wall by the uncertainty, people are losing their jobs. To the extent the country is governed, it is by the unelected.
Oh, and parliament will never again be prorogued.
Edward – unlike the American Supreme Court, Tony Blair’s cheap knockoff version has no constitutional roots. It can and should be abolished with a simple act of Parliament, shortly after the next election.
But isn’t this like the Fixed Term Parliament Act? Abolish the Supreme Court and then what? M’Lud will no doubt correct me if I’m wrong but the SC’s predecessor was the Law Lords. The Law Lords don’t exist any more. And their authority was by convention, not statute Blair got rid of the convention. So there isn’t one. You can’t recreate a previous convention. The convention now is the SC.
Steve, David Starkey makes a similar point about Bercow in his podcast with Brendan O’Neill: every ruling Bercow has ever made will, by Statute, have to be expunged and declared as being of no effect.
I’m cool with that, and with doing the same thing to the SC.
I was going to say that, as a lawyer, swimming in these shallows,I think they just can’t escape the idea that everything is capable of being litigated. They don’t get the idea of the distinction between the political and the legal. They don’t begin to grasp the folly of allowing themselves to be embroiled in this thing. And watching Baroness Hale speak as I type this, I thought to begin with that she genuinely thinks this has nothing to do with Brexit and its terms. It’s a very narrow technocratic mindset, one with which I’m very familiar. On the other hand, at about 10 minutes 15 seconds into the edited speech on the SC website, she says parliament has a right to consider how we exit. She knows, she knows, exactly what this is about. She knows it is political, and she knows what the political question is.
For her to say that it has nothing to do with the terms of Brexit is the purest cant.
Would it have been different under the old Judicial Committee of the House of Lords, however? I am not sure it would. The key distinction between that and this, AFAIK, is that the former was discreet and almost invisible.
So, yes, let’s expunge this institution and its aberrant behaviour. But I am not convinced that will cure the sickness.
Hence my remark about Rubicons. So many things broken, in so many places.
Meanwhile, Bercow and Miller cavort, and the arch-hypocrite Major smugs.
This is bad, all the way down.
Parliament can do whatever it wants, Mr in Spain.
As we keep being told.
It is sovereign. And its sovereignty is unmoored from anything (certainly not its own conventions, or popular will).
It exists, so long as it is served.
BiS – Sure, but it ain’t fixed, so let’s break it.
There’s going to have to be a process of creative destruction of our failed institutions. Doesn’t guarantee their replacements will be better, but that’s not the only objective anyway.
The establishment needs its collective nose rubbed in Brexit. The alternative is passively accepting the fate they have planned for us as a post-democratic post-nation: eating a cold bowl of insects in our freezing cold eco-yurts while the local mosque ululates the call to benefits and unaccountable nabobs zip by in their Zil lanes.
Re: the House of Lords, my plan involves replacing it with something like the jury system. Get 300 or so eligible citizens chosen at random to serve a one or two year paid term in the revising chamber.
Maybe even restore its judicial function – if a random selection of middle aged British citizens of good character can’t understand and apply the law, it’s not worth the status of being “law”. We don’t need a priestly caste of geriatric lawyers.
“The establishment needs its collective nose rubbed in Brexit. The alternative is passively accepting the fate they have planned for us as a post-democratic post-nation: eating a cold bowl of insects in our freezing cold eco-yurts while the local mosque ululates the call to benefits and unaccountable nabobs zip by in their Zil lanes.”
Absolutely correct Steve–got it in one paragraph.
The French understand too–which is why they are still fighting the violence of Macron’s costumed thugs 45 weeks on. They know EU stooge Maccers is trying to get the above ball rolling by pricing them out of their cars.
That would only be step one of the globo elite’s nasty plans for us all. Even–sooner or later–including well off remainiac shite like the Facepainter. Such types think they are elite–but they are just useful idiot oiks to the globos. Their turn arrives as soon as their usefulness is outlived.
There’s a lot of talk about ‘The Sovereignty of Parliament’, and that’s certainly where things have stood for centuries. Until referendums. We have now had eleven referendums in the UK, most on devolution and 2 on the EU/EEC. ALL of the majority decisions by these plebiscites have subsequently been enacted into law (if they didn’t support the status quo ante) by Parliament. So we now have a principle established that decisions by The People at a referendum direct Parliament. So in that specific case Parliament is no longer sovereign, The People are.
This hasn’t been litigated, especially in the current brouhaha as the terms of the case have been narrowly drawn. I don’t think it should be either. Parliament needs to accept that the will of The People is sovereign in certain circumstances, and they are no longer ‘representatives’, but ‘delegates’ to enact the will of The People. Unfortunately I don’t think Parliament will accept this. Certainly Bercow would never countenance it.
The only way out of this, if Brexit is delayed beyond 31/10 is to vote TBP, and perhaps even if we are out anyway.
“There’s going to have to be a process of creative destruction of our failed institutions. Doesn’t guarantee their replacements will be better, but that’s not the only objective anyway.”
The thing in wars past is that there was generally a quid pro quo of surrender. You gave up your town peacefully to the other side, and you became part of them. If you didn’t, they’d rob the place, rape the women and then burn it to the ground.
I don’t think remoaners understand where they’re heading. They could have taken graceful surrender. They could have probably gotten May’s weak shit deal. They could have kept a lot intact.
I’m not saying we’re literally going to burn down their houses and rape their wives, but they have gone from being rivals to enemies as far as I’m concerned. No charity or grace will be given to them, their families or the organisations they work from. Eradicating them from public life using every legal trick, however dirty, is now acceptable. That is what they will do to us.
We have to get people fired, close down departments, remove whole arms of the state infested with these people.
Dennis – Xe looks to be the picture of normalcy, bigot:
Bigot or not, Xe looks to be the picture of ugly.
And both the Limp Dicks and ZaNu have shoved red hot pokers up their own arseholes by reason of their conference capers.
Why hasn’t Ecks been offered a book deal? I mean, that sentence just sings…
Thanks for caring, Dennis.
Sore bum? Or are the feet playing up again?
Hence my remark about Rubicons. So many things broken, in so many places.
I think the Rubicon analogy works better with the corrupt senate (trashing tradition and precedent) represented by the Remain establishment, and excluded Caesar and the 13th represented by the Brexit majority.
We haven’t crossed the Rubicon yet.
@Steve September 24, 2019 at 5:35 pm
Re: the House of Lords, my plan involves replacing it with something like the jury system.
Plagiarism – I proposed that years ago
Johnson should appeal SC’s decision to ECJ
Pcar – great artists steal
Penang lawyers are what’s called for now to deal with parliament.
These politicians are idiots.
They spout on about how Parliament is sovereign.
They don’t understand that it is actually the people who are sovereign and that Parliament is only sovereign because we allow it and agree to it – if a majority (or even a minority with the tacit support of a significant number) object, then they are in serious trouble. See the US and the 3%ers.
We only allow and agree to Parliament being sovereign because the idea is that, despite all their self-indulgence and self-aggrandisation, they are acting in our interests and generally as we indicate via elections and referendums (referenda?).
This current show of their ignoring our desires shows that they are no longer representatives or delegates. They are wannabe dictators, who think they know best. And they need to be treated as such.
What Edward Lud says about the legislative becoming the executive is right. They are changing the carefully evolved power balance that has seen us right for a long time.
Rocky times ahead people. If only they understood this…
“Speaking of doubtful mental health, here’s Ecks!”
What’s up Meiac–run out of stupid alias’s–allii?
Good god, is Grandpa Death senile? The only body that can remove No-Deal from the table is PARLIAMENT, ie, ***HIM*** and his mates.