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Just like everyone else then?

End of the Century director: ‘First, gay men have sex – then they go for wine and cheese’

Hetero gatekeeping works rather the other way around. And there are some people who say that women have no power in our society

24 thoughts on “Just like everyone else then?”

  1. I thought it was a pretty bland line to pick out as the headline. The film sounds more interesting than that.

    I was more struck by his comments on The Irishman: “Robert De Niro’s face is youthful, his body is obviously not. It’s an old man’s body.”

    Amazingly, every single arse-licking review of the Irishman fails to mention that De Niro’s geriatric hobbling around the screen makes it totally impossible to suspend disbelief. He looks ready to break a hip most of the time.

    The film is also unremittingly tedious, all the Scorcese stuff is there, only for longer and to less effect.

  2. Al Pacino’s Israeli girlfriend who ended the relationship: “It’s very difficult living with an old man, even though he is Al Pacino”.

  3. “It’s very difficult living with an old man, even though he is Al Pacino”.

    That’s why, debonair as I am, I only trouble the young ladies for an hour or so at a time.

  4. Slight correction.

    “It’s hard to be with a man so old, even Al Pacino,” she explained, as Pacino is 79 years old. “I tried to deny it, but he is already an elderly man. Even with all my love, it didn’t last.”

  5. “It’s hard to be with a man so old, even Al Pacino,”

    Well, duh. Presumably the diminutive pasta-bending thesp was a generous and considerate boyfriend, but that’s no comfort when your bathroom stinks of Fixodent and you’re not even going to inherit when he pops his Cuban heels.

  6. BTW Jussi, thanks again for the Philip Kerrs, and I’d like return the recommendation with the Stella Mooney novels by Jack Curtis. Set in the part of West London where I grew up the setting is authentic, although I didn’t notice it being hip deep in Natashas last time I was there.

  7. “First, gay men have sex – then they go for wine and cheese”

    From a gay friend of mine, I heard;

    What do heterosexual couples do on their second date? Maybe the pictures, maybe a meal at a restaurant.

    What do lesbian couples do on their second date? Get married.

    What do gay couples do on their second date? What’s a ‘second date’?

  8. “Hetero gatekeeping works rather the other way around. ”
    Well, you would want to know if they were a good shag before you committed to spending any time with them, wouldn’t you?
    It’s not like there’s any risk of pregnancy or disease…

  9. Talking about Pacino…and gays…Cruising (1980) by William Friedkin. Tells you everything you want to know when it comes to gay bars and late 70’s NYC gay scene. Yep, no second dates for gays.

  10. the reunited lovers […] share a post-coital meal of wine and cheese

    Who considers wine & cheese to be a meal? Is that a Spanish thing or a gay thing or both?

  11. There was a gayer whose brief
    Aimed to gobble men off with his teeth
    It wasn’t for money
    Or anything funny
    He was after the cheese underneath
    Hope that helps with the appetite, BernieG.

  12. Bloke in North Dorset

    “It’s hard to be with a man so old, even Al Pacino, ….”

    The sub text being “but knowing you’ll either get a massive inheritance or divorce settlement dulls the pain.

  13. @Roué le Jour

    “It’s very difficult living with an old man, even though he is Al Pacino”. That’s why, debonair as I am, I only trouble the young ladies for an hour or so at a time.

    *snigger* I got that one.

  14. @Jussi

    I saw that Al Pacino article too. He’s obviously a misanthrope


    He wasn’t. Never took her out, only gifts were occasional bunch of flowers, didn’t sit down to eat

  15. Some probably have lost almost all of their worldly goods. Just wait for the wailing for the government to compensate those who didn’t buy insurance.

  16. And please stop the adverts rescrolling the page 28 times. Fucks sake.

    If you’re on mobile and can’t switch to an adblocking browser, I found that clicking the “n comments” link at the top of the page jumps straight past the hundreds of ad images and doesn’t cause the page to keep reflowing as they load.

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