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Mining the Moon

Russia compared the idea to colonialism. “There have already been examples in history when one country decided to start seizing territories in its own interests and everyone remembers how that turned out.”

Well, yes. All of what is now Russia east of about Nizny Novgorod, west of Tver actually. And that before we even start to talk about the now independent countries…..

But that’s not what they mean, obviously.

5 thoughts on “Mining the Moon”

  1. Did Trump revoke the horseshit socialistic 1980 UN Moon treaty which tried to claim outer space for socialism?

  2. Every country has been created by seizing territories. That’s how countries are formed.

    But of course this really says ‘You’re evil, white Western filth and we hate you. We want all your money NOW!!!’ Absolutely standard leftist dogma.

  3. “There have already been examples in history when one country decided to start seizing territories in its own interests and everyone remembers how that turned out.”
    Indeed we do, Vova.

  4. Will the moon be a free state, or a slave state?

    Seizing unoccupied territories is radically different than seizing occupied territories.

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