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Dear Poppy – Read Your Own Newspaper

The partners of past vice-presidents (let alone potential vice-presidents) barely ever get this much attention. Has anyone heard about Mike Pence’s wife?


The news that Karen Pence is returning to work at an anti-gay Christian school should remind us of the vice-president’s dangerous bigotry


It looks like Mike Pence is quite the trendsetter. The US vice-president famously refuses to have dinner alone with any woman who isn’t his wife –


You see, this week a Washington Post article about Karen Pence revealed that the vice-president will not eat a meal with a woman other than his wife.

27 thoughts on “Dear Poppy – Read Your Own Newspaper”

  1. O/T but I see Spud is taking YouTube by storm with an average 655 viewers per his first 17 videos.

    I wonder how long before he gives up.

  2. Bloke in North Dorset

    I’m not sure how YouTube views work, do they have to be viewed to the end to count? Do indexing Bots count?

    I can imagine a lot of those views being curious people past 30 secs then wandering off in disgust or bemusement.

  3. I still maintain Pence is totally justified and rational in his approach. In this puritanical day and age (and in that puritanical country), with the fake-horror pearl-clutching gutter press ready to pounce on anything.

    In fact Pence and Trump kind of represent the only two winning strategies: be squeaky-clean and irreproachable, or just push right through it all. In a sense Trump’s pronouncements are the sexual equivalent of “yes, I inhaled”.

  4. BiND – I wondered that but don’t want to subject myself to even 3 seconds of the malodorous toad to find out.

  5. Pence is wise to not be anywhere alone with any female he doesn’t trust –and double check the trust.

    Plus the only bigotry about anti-Marxist schools is from scum Marxism crew.

  6. Bloke in North Dorset

    Having had a bit of time to do some research it seems that YouTube is quite sophisticated in the way it counts views, as you’d expect, but they’re opaque about the rules, again as you’d expect. The key is that anything above 300 views is validated in many ways to avoid spamming etc.

    There’s a 4 minute video here that explains how the various social media platforms do their counting and the section on YouTube is how other sites describe it.

    The key point is that 3 second views don’t get counted, nor multiple views from the same IP address, so it isn’t Spud’s vanity views being counted.

  7. I am tempted to watch his latest video to make an unflattering comment but I don’t want to put myself through the torture of his preening ignorance

  8. So Much For Subtlety

    There is a reason we rarely hear from wives of politicians, at least sensible ones. We do not elect them. We elect the man banging them. Or pretending to if the rumours about Michelle and Barry are true.

    So it would be good if they shut up and did not exploit their position, prone as it is, unduly.

    U maintain that the civil war in Syria was largely caused by outrage at the Vogue cover given the Baby Asad’s wife.

  9. I’m currently watching (= trying to watch) the one on modern monetary theory. He’s inaudible.

    Don’t knock it

  10. So Much For Subtlety

    Off Topic – it seems that it is true Black lives do matter. Many years ago Jam Master Jay, as DJ in an African American popular beat combo, was shot dead in his studio.

    The police have just arrested two men for the murder of this fine upstanding musical pioneer – perhaps best known to people around here through his work with Run DMC and their collaboration with Aerosmith ;producing Walk This Way

    Apparently it was a cocaine deal gone wrong. Dealers Lives Matter!

  11. So Much For Subtlety

    Tim Worstall August 18, 2020 at 10:48 am – “I misread that – I thought it was RUN DMC who had shot him”

    Oh, no. Everyone knows they shot Tupac.

    The one thing I like about rappers is they are usually committed to the role. The Who might have sung that they wanted to die before they got old but in reality they look like a Dad’s Army reunion now.

    Not all rappers. Some have morphed into tragic TV stars like LL Cool J and Ice Cube. But I am sure they do some light pimping on the weekend just to keep their hand in.

    Still, this could have been the fate of the Delorean guy. I guess he had a better quality of dealer. White privilege right there.

  12. Ben S,

    “I still maintain Pence is totally justified and rational in his approach. In this puritanical day and age (and in that puritanical country), with the fake-horror pearl-clutching gutter press ready to pounce on anything.”

    In a political field (and I also include things like working in large corporations in that), absolutely.

    It’s not so much about puritanism, it’s more about feminist weaponisation of sexual harassment at work. And particularly about politics and large corporations that care about PR. Small companies don’t care. You’d have to prove it. But in a large company, they’ll just drop you to avoid any shit.

    (one of the many reasons I prefer SMEs – you can still get blotto at a Christmas party and go to a strip club and no-one cares).

  13. The great tragedy about gangsta rap is that the diabolical, low-brow, evil shit has entered the mainstream and now I can’t walk around Tescos or even sit in my garden without suffering it.

    One of the attendees of the London BLM riots had a sign saying “love us like you love our culture”. A poor recommendation, since that would result in machine gunning the whole lot into a ditch.

  14. “So Much For Subtlety

    The one thing I like about rappers is they are usually committed to the role.

    Not all rappers.”

    Snoop Doggy-Bag advertising for Just Eat springs to mind.

    They must have paid him a lot of money. An awful lot.

  15. @PJF – Candace owens has a video decrying the debasement and coarsening of black culture in the Us – in the 1960s the music was harmony groups singing about love, Otis redding, Stevie Wonder etc – now it’s about hos, niggas, guns , drugs and booty. it’s like black music has de-evolved.

  16. So Much For Subtlety

    Andrew C August 18, 2020 at 12:29 pm – “Snoop Doggy-Bag advertising for Just Eat springs to mind. They must have paid him a lot of money. An awful lot.”

    The Sun claimed it was over £5 million. I guess his porn career did not work out. Still, I would have to have an awful lot of integrity to turn down that sort of money. Especially in a foreign market – like Sean Connery advertising all sorts of crap in Japan.

    moqifen August 18, 2020 at 12:30 pm – “now it’s about hos, niggas, guns , drugs and booty. it’s like black music has de-evolved.”

    In fairness it was always pretty bad. It is just that White laws and authorities kept a lid on the worst of it. Consider Bessie Smith’s Sugar in my Bowl

    I need a little sugar in my bowl
    I need a little hot dog between my rolls
    You gettin’ different, I’ve been told
    Move your finger, drop something in my bowl

    I need a little steam-heat on my floor
    Maybe I can fix things up, so they’ll go
    Get off your knees, I can’t see what you’re drivin’ at
    It’s dark down there looks like a snake!
    C’mon here and drop somethin’ here in my bowl
    Stop your foolin’ and drop somethin’ in my bowl

    Think what she might have said if she didn’t have censorship to contend with.

  17. On seeing this my first thought was Tipper Gore? She must have been somewhat in the limelight if i remember her name. could be just cos of the name but i agree Tim’s arched eyebrow directed at poppy is justified. Second thought Tipper was also the presidential candidate’s spouse so maybe not.

  18. Tipper Gore was part of the 1980s Parents Music Resource Center (aka the “Mothers of Prevention” according to Frank Zappa) committee that tried to force music acts with smutty or violent lyrics to put warning stickers on their albums.

    Like all pearl-clutchers everywhere, they were utterly mystified when acts were queuing up for the stickers instead of cleaning up their lyrics; the bands of course knew that stickers that announced “your parents won’t like this” would cause their sales to rocket.

  19. ‘feminist weaponisation of sexual harassment’

    Why Kamala herself tried it against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. It was shockingly disgusting.

    ‘In recent days you’ve probably read a lot about Doug Emhoff – or, as he is more commonly known, Kamala Harris’s husband.’

    No, haven’t read a fvcking thing. Kamala is a loser. Why the heck would I want to read about her whatever? Poppy projecting her own fetish on everyone else.

  20. Pence displays common sense in an age of lunacy

    Yep. Same we rarely, if ever, heard from or saw Mr Thatcher or Mrs Lawson


  21. Bloke in North Dorset

    “(aka the “Mothers of Prevention” according to Frank Zappa)”

    Haha. That’s very good, I missed it at the time.

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