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Not quite learning the lesson, no

Wittingly or unwittingly, the hospital inspector and former NHS paediatric nurse seemed to have chosen his moment well. He made his claims of terrible abuse at the hands of named and nameless individuals – among the former were Sir Leon Brittan, Lord Bramall, Harvey Proctor and Sir Edward Heath – in 2014. They fell on credulous ground, in the wake of the 2012 Jimmy Savile scandal, which had proved beyond all doubt that extraordinarily evil behaviour by prominent people could go unchallenged and either ignored or actively covered up for years.

Carl Beech actually causing more sensible people to have a rethink about more than just a few of the Saville allegations…..

27 thoughts on “Not quite learning the lesson, no”

  1. I read recently that the evil piece of sh1t Tom Watson, who played such an integral role in promoting these lies, is likely to receive his peerage.

  2. Don’t worry, John, Watson was knocked off the list as was John Bercow. They should set up a Salon des Refusés together.

  3. No doubt some of the Savile (with one l) allegations (with two l’s) are fantastic, some have been shown to be phsyically impossible (e.g. Savile, whose diary was about as public as it gets, at the other end of the country at the time).

    Anyway, a huge celebrity, huge in a way that almost no celebrity can be these days, taking advantage of teenage girls going weak at the knees in the presence of such huge celebrity? Don’t tell me it didn’t happen. I’m just not sure where on the consent-rape-raperape scale that sits for me.

    Remember also that was an era when (slightly) underage sex was simultaneously more frowned upon than now but not seen as the proof of incorrigible baby-raping noncery that it is today, to be dealt with by castration, hanging, or castration by hanging. The doublethink was different back then.

  4. The “more sensible people” never believed the accusations against Savile.

    And CJ–you didn’t get where you are by putting contrary info above your model of the world–there is available witness testimony that Savile went out of his way to ensure 16 year old and below naive young girls were protected from unwanted attention during his DJ days.

  5. ‘The “more sensible people” never believed the accusations against Savile.’

    Really Ecks? A family member of mine was heavily involved in organising charity events during Savile’s heyday and at any event involving Savile all the organisers were warned never to leave him alone in a room with a young person (of either sex). Generally he was regarded as an effective draw for money raising (although always greedy about the brown envelope full of “expenses”) but a total creep of a human being.

  6. Ben

    Yes Anna had some very compelling evidence about the physical impossibility of many accusations and extreme lack of credibility of some of the accusers.

  7. So when/where was this Arthur? Always a shitload of hearsay about.

    Had you been pilloried worldwide as a king pervert you could hear/read through countless accounts from women you never heard of let alone set eyes on to the effect they always knew you were a creep and it was his eyes and he tried to etc.

    Not to impune your relative but lets have some facts/real eyewitnesses who can be cross-examined. or it is just bullshit.

    Savile has a colourful ring someone asks him about. He jokes that it is a glass eye from the hosp morgue . Next –not before but LONG after this joke–there appear a load of cockrot from supposed Nurses about how they witnessed Savile shagging various corpses in their hosp morgues. And then kept quiet about it for 30 years. Just what you would do if you came across a necrophilliac violating your charges -dead tho’ they be. Because Savile was a sleb and ” no one would believe them”. Given the incredible bullshit the human race swallows daily–a likely story. And there would have been evidence left by shagging corpses that even the forensics of that pre-historic era could have detected.

    In short you become an active part of part of the mythology by repeating such tales.

    Because so much is she said/he didn’t say cos he’s dead –lots of allegations cannot be disproved. But anywhere a thread of fact or evidence can be found or followed into the past it comes out in Saviles favour.

    But once myths are established people don’t wanna give ’em up.

  8. So Much For Subtlety

    which had proved beyond all doubt that extraordinarily evil behaviour by prominent people could go unchallenged and either ignored or actively covered up for years.

    There is actually still no evidence at all against Savile. It has not been proven beyond reasonable doubt. It has not been proven at all.

    The British government set up a committee to look into allegations against Savile. They looked at around 1100 claims. They showed that about 1000 of them were impossible – Savile was not in that part of the country at the time or was not an alien or whatever. But by then they had spent all of Savile’s money. So they gave the remaining 100 or so claimants – none of those claims being shown to be true, just not impossible – a token sum of money and went home.

    Barry George was a weird creep. But that does not mean he killed Jill Dando.

  9. They fell on credulous ground

    They certainly did, the Guardian prominent among them. All those Tories, eh? Too good to miss, even if they knew it was all lies.

  10. Did Lucy Mangan consider that by writing soberly, in the midst of BLM, “What was lost in the rush to believe – or to be seen to believe, and to overcompensate for former failures – was, well, everything else.” that she might be painting a colossal target on her own back?

    I really would like to judge her bravery greater than her deficit in self awareness.

  11. Did Lucy Mangan consider that by writing soberly, in the midst of BLM, “What was lost in the rush to believe – or to be seen to believe, and to overcompensate for former failures – was, well, everything else.” that she might be painting a colossal target on her own back?

    I really would like to judge her bravery greater than her deficit in self awareness.

  12. Don’t worry, John, Watson was knocked off the list as was John Bercow. They should set up a Salon des Refusés together.

    Sadly I read at the weekend that Starmer will propose the hateful toad for a second time and he will be given vermine this time. A more deserving case for the piano wire I can’t immediately think of.

  13. On one side, the meticulously detailed research of Anna Raccoon, Moor Larkin, Rabbitaway and others….

    On the other side, the wild fantasies of Carl Beech, anyone from Exaro and Liz Dux of Slater and Gordon.

    No contest, I think.

  14. @Ecks:

    “So when/where was this Arthur?”

    Yorkshire and the North West, 1990’s. Fund raisers for various childrens’ charities. At one of them my B-i-L had to rescue a 14 year old girl who Savile was pawing, and no, she wasn’t a starfucker, she was a normal kid who was totally creeped out by him.

    “Not to impune your relative but lets have some facts/real eyewitnesses who can be cross-examined. or it is just bullshit.”

    You’re not a judge, you’re a contrarian. Even if there was film footage you’d probably claim it was a deep fake. The guy’s dead so evidence is irrelevant and there’s no reason why I should help you get off on your contrariness. If I’d said the same thing about Hilary Clinton you’d probably have lapped it up.

    Have a nice day.

  15. @Edward Lud: no, genuinely! He radiated contempt for the gullible Met detectives and when asked to read a section of Beech’s lies at the end, I thought he was going to swear!

  16. Arthur: Put it on the huge pile of tall tales. He says etc. Most can never be disproved–but enough have been that I want proper police rules applied. Who else saw it etc. And that would be testimony reduced in value by the emotional head of steam codded up by the British Media /state in between the original event and now.

  17. Ps–I would endorse ANY accusation against Clinton and not worry about its truth so long as it helped destroy her. Because she is an evil bitch working for her power and tyranny over others –maybe all of us if globo elite tales are true. She is my enemy and I evaluate ALL that involves her in the light of seeking her destruction. Which is exactly how she evaluates anything that can be used against we deplorables.

    The other side in the Savile matter have the same attitude–they are Marxist feminist scum who want a shitload of lies to serve the narrative by which they want to enforce their evil on us.

    I cleave to TRUTH as best I can in the Savile matter as it is the defence against Marx-fem bullshit.

    Savile was not –IMO– out to impose evil on the world. Even if ALL claims made about him were true-that would only be his personal vileness not a plan for all mankind. Clinton IS out to impose her evil on all. Therefore–just like her–I will do whatever it takes to win.

  18. @Mr Ecks
    I did here some stuff about Savile that was definitely in the direction of what’s been later alleged. And that was in the 70s from one of the ex-Radio Caroline DJs, whilst Savile was still a BBC big name. My informant was quite emphatic on the subject. He couldn’t stand him, because of it. And the guy in question, himself, wasn’t exactly backward in coming forward when there was loose totty about. You’re talking about something that was an open secret in certain circles. Trouble is, of course, rumour & fantasy can build anything on a base like that.

  19. Everyone used to do Savile impressions, back in the day (now then, now then), but there was somebody (and I can’t remember who it was) who would always begin by pretending to read a letter to Jim’ll Fix It, beginning:
    “It says ‘ere: Dear Jim, you sad, sad man”. It was clear that knowledge that something wasn’t quite right about JS was widespread enough to make a joke out of it.

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