Yet this pitch to people of color is undercut by the racism that is also part of Trump’s message. Throughout the convention there has been an endless litany of law-and-order rhetoric, with warnings that the Democrats would unleash crime on the suburbs.
That’s a flat out statement that worrying about law an order is racist. At which point, well, peeps have a point about the Democratic establishment really….
It must be so hard for black conservatives, the concept that if they have made a success of life, they are only there because of the generosity of a liberal non-racist white man, a Democrat no less. Studied hard, worked hard, didn’t marry the government at 16, went to college, stayed away from crime, perhaps had a family then stuck around – none of that matters, instead they need special help, quotas, posive discrimination. Non-conservative blacks, a majority, must welcome this with open arms.
The obvious question is, how much does the average black voter care about law and order.
I’d be really pissed off if rioting hooligans trashed my neighborhood, so that pitch would definitely appeal to me. Thus I naturally assume that other people, blacks included, share my views.
Provided all the talk about fake voting is fake, the election will tell me whether I’m right or not.
William Hague, his latest comments, obviously he’s gone rogue, a fucking wet “conservative”.
Latest polls have Trump at 36% with black voters.
Neatly mirrors the Chris Rock observational thesis…
“Neatly mirrors the Chris Rock observational thesis…”
Which is?
“Neatly mirrors the Chris Rock observational thesis…”
Which is?”
Reading that makes me wish I’d listen to my mum’s advice.
Jim: “Everything white people don’t like about (A Certain Subset Of Black People), black people *really* don’t like about ACSOBP”.
Flubber: He was right about the books as well, judging by the unlooted establishments.
“Jim: “Everything white people don’t like about (A Certain Subset Of Black People), black people *really* don’t like about ACSOBP”.”
Ah, the bit he did about the difference between Black Folk, and N****rs.
I wondered if he’d done anything else on the subject.
If The Nation understood it’s own rhetoric, Timmy, it wouldn’t be The Nation, now would it?
Everybody Hates Chris, I liked that show. That was still the time when being black was nothing special in a sense of racism lurking everywhere and in everything.
Everybody Hates Chris, I liked that show. That was still the time when being black was nothing special in a sense of racism lurking everywhere and in everything.
The most impressive thing about the show was Chris Rock’s refusal to make the show about race. That refusal kept the show’s (wonderfully drawn) characters from turning into one dimensional stereotypes. And it has to be said that no show has ever had so many hilarious throwaway lines… Chris Rock’s narration was a treasure.
Look – speaking from a gritty suburb of Detroit, so I know a little bit about this – there is no ‘average’ Black voter.
The major divide, of course, has already been defined by the Chris Rock routine – we laugh because it’s funny, but we laugh because it’s true.
But even the portion of the Black population that does not align with the Certain Subset, is still, in the main, totally and solidly aligned with the Democratic party. Come what may.
They will hold their noses and vote for Biden, even though they despise him and are sure that (just like Obama) he will do nothing for the Black community.
They have just not broken out of the conventional wisdom that Trump is a racist, even though his administration did more, economically, for Black folks in 3 years than at any time in history. They conflate issues of law-and-order with individual cases of police over-reach – even though they mostly have occurred in Democrat-run cities. They do not grasp that the issue of police over-reach is not one that’s unique in the Black community – US police often treat everybody badly, regardless of race. The only message Trump could get traction with is in the worst Democrat-run cities, where his question ‘What do you have to lose?’ has some resonance with a small part of the Black population.
But the Certain Subset will always vote Democrat, no matter what – it’s the Party Of Free S**t, Forever. And there’s not enough of the other sort to ever tip the balance meaningfully.
It’s a pity.
Dennis, I think many older shows and films didn’t make a song and dance about racism although there might’ve been some jovial digs. Cosby Show. Eddie Murphy in stand up joking about Italians and Rocky etc, Action Jackson, etc. Up until the late 00’s even myself I can’t remember thinking about someone’s skin colour in a TV programme, if it was good it was good. Did anyone even watch the Jeffersons and go “look at dem niggas, LOL!”?
“ But the Certain Subset will always vote Democrat, no matter what – it’s the Party Of Free S**t, Forever. And there’s not enough of the other sort to ever tip the balance meaningfully.“
The Labour Party thought that about the working class in the North of England, until one day they looked round and there they were, gone!
‘Yet this pitch to people of color is undercut by the racism that is also part of Trump’s message.’
Not in evidence.
‘Throughout the convention there has been an endless litany of law-and-order rhetoric, with warnings that the Democrats would unleash crime on the suburbs.’
Democrat violence in 1968 helped them lose to Nixon.
Come on people. Of course any talk about law and order is a talk about race. As Tom Wolf said in Bonfire of the Vanities – police work is largely about dealing with the tsunami of young Black men who go through the system time and time again. Black men commit 54+% of all murders in America. You can be opposed to murder for many good reasons but in the end it means locking lots of young Black men up.
There is no way to finesse that.
Boganboy August 27, 2020 at 2:17 pm – “The obvious question is, how much does the average black voter care about law and order. I’d be really pissed off if rioting hooligans trashed my neighborhood, so that pitch would definitely appeal to me. Thus I naturally assume that other people, blacks included, share my views.”
Naturally. But do they? Where are the Black politicians campaigning on a platform of law and order? It is true that Chunk Rangel lobbied for tougher penalties for crack cocaine. But that was a long time ago and he repented the minute he did it.
Black voters do not care about crime. Even though Blacks are the main victims. They really do not.
In the end, Blacks see criminals like the young men who go off and raid an enemy village. They are heroes. As long as White people suffer, Black voters do not care. Almost 3000 women are raped every day in America. 100 of them are White women raped by Black men. That is enough. There is no demand in the Black community it be tougher in rapists. Even if most of the other 2900 women are Black.
Jussi August 27, 2020 at 4:40 pm – “Up until the late 00’s even myself I can’t remember thinking about someone’s skin colour in a TV programme, if it was good it was good. Did anyone even watch the Jeffersons and go “look at dem niggas, LOL!”?”
The people who made the Jeffersons did. I agree with you. But this is what they mean by White Privilege. Black people do not have the luxury of not thinking about race. White people were the majority and held all the positions of power. They could ignore it because it did not matter much in their lives. Black people couldn’t and it did matter in their life.
And soon it will matter to White people as well. As they become a persecuted community that can only survive in a ghetto with walls.
“The obvious question is, how much does the average black voter care about law and order.”
How much do you care about law and order? Roughly the same.
The media distorts what black people are like. Endless talk of “community leaders”, endless race hustlers. You have black people who just don’t care about this stuff. They’re raising families, working hard. That’s their priority. They don’t care if you’re a white or black employer as long as they get paid. They don’t care if a white guy or black guy robs them, it’s someone robbing them. You never hear about these people. You never see any TV about a black guy who has created his own McDonald’s franchise and become a millionaire.
The big thing in the USA is that it’s becoming a less racist country all the time. It was quite sensible for blacks to stick together in the late 1960s or early 1970s because there was a lot of racism around. There’s much less now. And people view it less as a societal thing and more about the odd racist who is likely to also be condemned by white people.
There isn’t a white man in American who would trade places with me. And I’m rich .”
~Chris Rock
There isn’t a white man in American who would trade places with me. And I’m rich .”
A nice line. Also utter bollocks.
There’s white folk in the Appalachians, inner NY, etc that would take it in a heartbeat.
I wouldn’t swap places with him. But then I wouldn’t swap places with him if he was white.
Obama indeed had a program of moving–via “assisted” housing ie you pay for it– black inner city crims into nice white suburban neighbourhoods. One which Trump stopped.
Even the biggest white left-supporting dickheads should take pause at Kowmara Hate-Youse opening up a crack house down their way.
Probably too thick.
Bloke on M4 August 28, 2020 at 1:19 am – “Roughly the same.”
Where is a single law-and-order Black politician? Where is one calling for more criminals to be locked up? Outside a very small number of conservatives who can’t get elected in Black communities.
“They don’t care if you’re a white or black employer as long as they get paid.”
Can you name a Black majority city with a Black government that has a White Chief of police? It is odd that the Black voters of Detroit are so colour-blind but keep electing the same old race hustlers that are killing the city. It is almost as if skin colour is the only important thing, not competence.
“You never hear about these people.”
Don’t hear much about unicorns either.
“The big thing in the USA is that it’s becoming a less racist country all the time.”
No, White people are becoming less racist all the time. America is becoming more and more racist. As we see with BLM race is becoming all encompassing as an issue.
“And people view it less as a societal thing and more about the odd racist who is likely to also be condemned by white people.”
How many Black people condemn Farrakhan? Explain to me how Omar Ilhan with her quaint views about Jews got elected.