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American lawyerese, not Meghan’s ego

That’s my, at least, reading of this:

The four-page ‘Virtual Event Request Form’ issued by The Harry Walker Agency (HWA), seen by The Telegraph, shows the lengths bookers will have to go to to secure an online audience with the Royals.
One of the conditions specified in the form is that it is up to the speakers to decide who introduces them and moderates any discussion with them.
“The choice of Introducer and Moderator will be at the final discretion of the Speaker,” it reads. “The Fee will need to be paid directly from the contracting organization’s account,” it adds.

Can’t imagine that Chelsea Clinton’s rider is any different.

4 thoughts on “American lawyerese, not Meghan’s ego”

  1. Her ego is a thing of wonder. If I’d found myself catapulted from where she was a mere three or four years ago to where she is now (or was, until six months ago) I’d just be walking around with a big grin on my face, being excessively polite to one and all, and hoping I didn’t get found out.

    But Her Grace is made of different stuff.

    Obviously, I was raised to have low self-esteem and low expectations.

  2. I mean, this business of being a minor actress on the down slope, marrying a famous Prince, against all the odds, then… thinking the world gives one off the wrist for what you think…


    Whom did Karl Popper boff? Enquiring minds demand answers!

  3. Obviously, I was raised to have low self-esteem and low expectations

    I’m surprised you should say that, m’Lud, given your acknowledged acceptance into the exclusive echelons of Viennese society but there can’t be many who believe that Her Grace is destined for anything other than a lonely future of gall and w. probably in Bay City or Las Vegas where anyone called ‘duchess’ probably wears a garter on a stockinged leg.

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