I don’t want children but being an aunt is the joy of my life
I am deeply involved in my niece and nephew’s lives. It is an effortless love I was falsely told I was incapable of feeling
I don’t want children but being an aunt is the joy of my life
I am deeply involved in my niece and nephew’s lives. It is an effortless love I was falsely told I was incapable of feeling
OT–But the rumour is that Covid Marshall scum are to be allowed to employ violence against you if you don’t obey their orders. Seemingly said by someone on the Julia Brewer-Hartly podcast. Sounds insane but given that Johnson is now a mental case –who knows.
“Two brothers or eight cousins” – that one?
You’ve missed a vocation as teacher: making your students think for their answers.
Presumably something to do with sharing 25 p.c. genetic material of neice and nephews i.e. altruism entirely explainable and to be expected.
“I am deeply involved in my niece and nephew’s lives. I have discussions with them about race and consent. I know Samson’s library day is Thursday. Ophelia will only drink out of the glass with the pictures of trees on it.” It is this effortless love I was falsely told I was incapable of feeling because I don’t want children.
My guess this is a troll. If not i see two possible futures one involving restraining orders the other is she spends her time wisely to become a wealthy CEO 20 years hence with Samson a wodehouse figure whose otherwise carefree existence is clouded over by the regularly visits of his matronly aunt to harrangue him on what constitutes “proper” forms of consent and race.
I looked it up and found that when a hybrid is infertile it’s the male’s problem. Probably not that one, eh?
My mother has always said this. I should have been a teacher. I keep pointing out that I hate children.
Altho’ according to Pink Floyd, that’s an excellent qualification.
…according to Roger Waters, not Pink Floyd. The rest of them got fed up with him and his obsession.
Ah, if only all love was effortless.
hauw can you have any pudding if yer daunt eat yer meat.
Family without the fucking.
Rather a teacher who hates children than one who likes them.
asiaseen September 29, 2020 at 11:07 am – “Family without the fucking.”
“I am deeply involved in my niece and nephew’s lives. I have discussions with them about race and consent.
Seems more like fucking up the kids without fucking the mother
I keep pointing out that I hate children.
That didn’t stop half of my teachers. Though in their defense, they were otherwise completely unemployable.