GNR police have dismantled a major drug trafficking network in the Algarve, which led to the arrest of 19 people and the confiscation of over 24,000 individual doses of drugs – including heroin, cocaine and hashish.
Speaking to national tabloid Correio da Manhã, the head of the GNR operation Carlos Bengala said: “It is one of the biggest (drug) busts in recent years”.
Says CM, the scheme was reportedly led by two Brits.
A couple who run a pub up the road have been arrested tho’.
And there’s a certain selection of doormen at other pubs a little green around the gills at present.
Yes, drugs are decriminalised in Portugal. But they get distressed at foreigners selling, at foreigners buying. Locals are a medical problem, Johnny Foreigner a criminal one.
And so much for equality. Apart from in the United Kingdom of Rank Stupidity, if you’re in forrin’ you will be treated differently. Don’t expect the easy ride the locals may enjoy. They’re family. You aren’t.
Their attitude is rational. Naturally they don’t wish to be lumbered with the medical costs of foreigners.
Not that I don’t agree with you, bis, about the pampering of foreigners who break UK laws.
BTW BiS–Still believe a 2nd LD –which Johnson CANNOT be so thick as not to know will destroy UK economy–is only stupidity? And that the cop inaction against leftist scum vs their response to anti-lunacy such as Saturday’s Trafalgar Sq protest is not being ordered by the Blojob gang?
New channel worth adding to yr resources.
“the confiscation of over 24,000 individual doses of drugs”
About a week’s worth then for the area, if that..
Wheeeee…. How muchly big that catch…. /sarc
” 24,000 individual doses of drugs” is a very strange number. It’s not as if these are commercial pharmaceuticals with a recommended dose. Whatever a dose is is whatever the individual doper thinks it is. I have absolutely no idea how you would arrive at meaningful amount for all the different drugs. It’s not as if you can go out & survey the consumers.
I’d also have some doubts about “It involved delivering the drugs to “hotels, houses and holiday homes with the assistance of employees and owners of night-life establishments who would sell them to their clients in exchange for a commission fee,” according to the police force.” Maybe like Tim says, club doormen. Or other employees. But the owners?
Same suggestions been made about clubs here. You have to look at it from a business point of view. The mark-up of a bottle of beer in most of these places is around a thousand percent. The mark-up on shifting recreational pharmaceuticals is around 100%. Given your punter only has so much money in his pockets, which would you rather sell him?
It is a very odd number and can only have been used to make a modest bust seem a bigger victory than it was.
“I have absolutely no idea how you would arrive at meaningful amount for all the different drugs.”
If you just take it as Cannabis, dutch coffeeshop pre-rolled… about 24kg of marihuana.
If you figure in the cocaÍne and heroïn..
Something in the order of 15kg marihuana/hashish, 2 kg of coke, 0.5kg of heroïn.. /#papernapkin
The local stockpile for a week or two.
@Tim Worstall
What is this about? Haven’t they all set up brass plate offices? Coutts closing, but NatWest not – whut?
Brexit strips expats of UK bank accounts
Lloyds and Barclays say without a deal they cannot afford to keep EU-based customers
Nothing here from SE Banken or Handelsbanken about closure
Fucking bankers trying it on. A PM with balls would tell the cunts to do as they are told or find themselves facing an inquiry into how they do business. End of story.
Seems SOP for british banks these days.
A year or so ago I enquired chez NatWirst about opening an account at my old branch in the town I lived while growing up.
There were so many stupid hoops to jump through that I told them to stuff it.
I always thought scandium must be a cover for something.
I just got a notification my Barclaycard will be cancelled. Annoying. I don’t use credit cards but having one’s a condition of the car recovery insurance. So now I’ve got to squeeze one out my Spanish or French bank. What happens about the UK account I don’t know, yet. Rung Transferwise & they say it won’t make any difference. Makes sense, because the funds for each currency account are in a different bank in a different country. Don’t think Transferwise are technically a bank, are they? They don’t do clearing. So maybe I stuff that.
Interesting to know what’ll happen to my sterling account at my Spanish bank. I’ll have to ask. Whole thing’s fcuking annoying. Almost makes one wish one was poor.
“Locals are a medical problem, Johnny Foreigner a criminal one.” A form of discrimination in which the noble and splendid European Union, of which Portugal is a member state, takes no interest whatever.
Mr Ecks:“And that the cop inaction against leftist scum vs their response to anti-lunacy such as Saturday’s Trafalgar Sq protest is not being ordered by the Blojob gang?”
Wikipedia:“The Commissioner is answerable, responsible and accountable to the Queen, the Home Office and the Mayor of London, through the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.”
That’s a convoluted chain of command. If Priti says do one thing and Sadiq says do another, whose orders take precedence?
“Since January 2012, the Mayor of London is responsible for the governance of the Metropolitan Police through the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).”
Sounds like it’s Sadiq.
““Locals are a medical problem, Johnny Foreigner a criminal one.” A form of discrimination in which the noble and splendid European Union, of which Portugal is a member state, takes no interest whatever.”
Not exactly. There was a conversation I had with a Portuguese copper (some rank above sargeant I’d guess) after my cousin’s villa got turned over. We only just missed the perps, arriving back at about 4AM. He reckoned that was fortunate. There’s history of people being held hostage whilst one’s taken down to an ATM to withdraw on the plastic. They can get rough & nasty. And he reckoned he knew exactly who it was. Bunch of Romanians. Except he could never get the evidence & the EU ‘uman rights bollocks prevented him following Portuguese preferred police procedure. Kicking the shit out of them. His suggestion was get a gun for personal protection. Unregistered for deniability’s sake. My sweet cousin was a bit windy about this. “What happens if I shoot somebody?” His response was “You’re not going to report it to me, are you?”
I’d guess Portugal’s similar to Spain or France. If you’re indigenous, you’ve rights. If you’re one of the preferred forrin’s, Brit say, long as you keep your nose clean, you’re treated much the same. If you’re on their shit list; magrebi, African miscellaneous, for here unfortunately – brasilian, you can get various levels of disinterest down to DGAF.
I still have first account I opened in home town when in P6 – TSB. Glad I kept, dormant for years, made a nice packet when they floated
: )
Try Jersey branch
@CJ Nerd
Boris, Priti and Khan all singing from same hymn book