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Seems unlikely

Last week an LSE economics professor, Thomas Sampson, said no deal could cost more than the economic shock of Covid, causing a £3.3tn decline in the value of the UK’s output.

Given the UK’s output is around the £2 trillion level we’d have to have a negative economy*. So, we gonna elect Jezza or summat?

* Yes, I know, but still….

10 thoughts on “Seems unlikely”

  1. We’re well into the post-BRExit phase where all positive news stories that can’t be ignored by the BBC will be “despite BRExit” and all negative news stories will be “due to BRExit”.

    Roll on 2025 when the UK is booming (certainly compared to the Eurozone) and these idiots will still be demanding we rejoin the EU.

  2. Mr Galt: 2025 Boom seems a tad optimistic under the BlueMarxist scum we have in Johnson. Massive unemployment combo’d with his and Banker’s Boy Spewknack’s love of funny money printing suggest no such prospect. Yes Brexit is a fantastic opportunity. But can it compensate for 7 million on the dole by Xmas? 10 million + and food shortages if the cunts try for a second LD. If they do the funmun print will bring v high inflation and int rates going up further wipes the tax base in int payments on the fortunes already borrowed.

    I hope you are correct but I can’t see how it can happen with the political shite we have.

  3. I see a new kind of grade inflation. Time was the number of professors was strictly limited. You could have a complete academic career and never get beyond Reader in A or X. Now there must be thousands of profs. Inevitably, quality suffers.

  4. On professorial inflation: it’s not so much inflation as metrication. The UK universities have succumbed to the US naming conventions. Sampson is an Associate Professor, or a Senior Lecturer in old money. And we all know the view on Senior Lecturers around these parts…

  5. Ecksy, it was always a problem with Brexit that while a clever, practical, nimble team of leaders could make wonderful opportunities with it, the ones we had at the time, then the ones we got afterwards, the ones now blundering about, or the ones we avoided getting at the last two elections – none of them – have been up to the task. The current lot are the best negotiators with the clearest mandate we’ve had so far, but are daily shown hopeless at handling uncertainty and events.

  6. Mr Galt: 2025 Boom seems a tad optimistic under the BlueMarxist scum we have in Johnson.

    Yeah, I reckon well get either a boom or something close to it despite BloJo and chums, not because of them. The EU was a barrier to too much trade that would have come our way if we hadn’t joined the EEC in the first damn place.

    Out with the frog wines and in with Australian, New Zealand and South American ones. Hit those EU bastards where it hurts by taking our business elsewhere. If they want to still squeze into the market they’ll have to pay the subsidy rate. Personally, I hope it turns to vinegar sitting on the shelves.

  7. @ John Galt
    Wine is less of a problem because the cost of alcohol duty outweighs that of import tariff so we get lots of Oz, NZ, SA and South American wine. It’s food where the benefit of abolishing EU tariffs is massive.

  8. Farming only contributes around £3b to the Uk GDP.
    Not a great deal compared to the vast sums of money being borrowed/wasted/pissed up the wall.
    So far, Brexit is about the only thing that Boris appears competent on. If he only does this one thing right, then he will carve his name out in the history books.
    I’m hoping his vanity and pride will prevent him from buggering it up.

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