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The new offence of fucking while black

We knew, of course, of the offence of driving while black. That demonstration of the racism inherent in the society etc. But this is a new one:

“To an escalating degree over my adult life. I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish child in suburban Kansas City under various assumed identities within a Blackness that I had no right to claim: first North African Blackness, then US rooted Blackness, then Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness,” she wrote.
“I have not only claimed these identities as my own when I had absolutely no right to do so — when doing so is the very epitome of violence, of thievery and appropriation, of the myriad ways in which non-Black people continue to use and abuse Black identities and cultures — but I have formed intimate relationships with loving, compassionate people who have trusted and cared for me when I have deserved neither trust nor caring.”

Note what she insists is worse – not only but also! – which is that fucking while pretending to be black is indeed worse.

A bit odd we’d probably think but then there’s no explaining academia.

She also doesn’t explain quite what it is that she’s done. I assume it’s that she has said that she’s black when she ain’t.

Hmm, OK, and?

Elizabeth Warren was unavailable for comment.

53 thoughts on “The new offence of fucking while black”

  1. White jew who can pass as black? My spidery senses detect bullshit and mental illness.

    On the whole the morning has been good so far – Antifa terrorist got shot by US Marshalls. “the fugitive’s name is Michael Reinoel. Now go git him!”

  2. You missed out the money quote

    To say that I clearly have been battling some unaddressed mental health demons for my entire life, as both an adult and child, is obvious.

  3. “Note what she insists is worse – not only but also! – which is that fucking while pretending to be black is indeed worse.

    A bit odd we’d probably think but then there’s no explaining academia.”

    It’s not just academia – remember the furore over the undercover cop infiltrating the green fruitcakes, and how they wanted him to be charged with the crime of lying to get them to sleep with him?

  4. Bloke in North Dorset

    Blacks* are so oppressed that whites pretend to be black* to get ahead.

    *Pick you’re preferred oppressed minority

  5. I *think* that she is claiming that it’s worse to deceive black people (especially/including those she’s sleeping with) than the white people she is attacking as an “activist”.

  6. ‘I had no right to claim: first North African Blackness, then US rooted Blackness, then Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness,” she wrote.’

    Correct. You should have claimed North African blackness, US rooted blackness, and Caribbean rooted Bronx blackness.

    So, if blackness can be claimed, whiteness can be claimed. Any alleged black problems can be fixed by their just claiming whiteness. Though if they do, they’ll have to stop when cops tell them to stop.

  7. Some sour person on the interweb pointed out that she hadn’t owned up spontaneously – she’d been caught out and so rushed into print with a sympathy-seeking admission. A crook to the end, eh?

    She presumably got her job using a CV that included a bogus claim to racial privilege. Even a tenured academic can probably be sacked for having faked a CV.

  8. I suppose that even in this gush of purported frankness she won’t say that she thought she might get off with claiming to be blackish because she’s rather ugly.

  9. This must have happened a while black.

    I’d refer this loon to the late great Sammy Davis jnr. Might be apochrapyl, I don’t know but once the great man was playing golf and was asked what his handicap was. “I’m a one eyed black jew” came the reply”

    Compare and contrast with today’s “celebs of colour” (and weep!)

  10. Mark, I am a great fan of Sammy Davis Jr and almost mentioned him earlier. He was black, Jewish and obviously had a dose of rickets (as had my grandfather) when young judging by the spindly legs. What about Ray Charles, if only he hadn’t been black and blind, who knows what he might’ve achieved. (caught out a microaggression, wrote blank instead of black, caught in time).

    Sung sitting down:

  11. Sammy Davis Jr – saw the shortest of snippets from one of his stand-up routines. “I’m black AND Jewish, if I move into your neighbourhood, house prices are going to go waaaaaay down”

  12. “dearieme
    Even a tenured academic can probably be sacked for having faked a CV.”

    Not if she’s left wing enough.

  13. all the good… and the corollary: very often the other person doesn’t give a toss what you claim to be…especially on one end/corner of the gender spectra.

  14. Ummm…. someone looking like your standard Surrey trophy wife after a summer in Marbella is apologising for claiming black privilege on the basis of her white privilege?

  15. Blackness.

    Frederick Douglass warned 170 years ago that differences create grounds for discrimination, indeed, demand it.

    MLK said we are all just people.

    The race industry today insists on differences. An approach guaranteed to produce friction and perpetuate ‘racism.’

    ‘Blackness,’ like ‘whiteness,’ is a term contrived by race hustlers to incite racism. They are saying, “We are NOT like you. And give us your stuff.”

  16. Dennis, The Swinging Tool of Capitalism

    White jew who can pass as black? My spidery senses detect bullshit and mental illness.

    Bullshit and mental illness are about all any U.S. college or university can offer these days. It’s no accident she passed unnoticed for years in that environment.

  17. @ Dennis
    Are you a pendulum or a metronome? I can see some logic in either case but the latter is more encouraging.

  18. Funny thing happened the other day, talked some politics with my very sound conservative neighbour, he’s trying to gauge me which words are appropriate for him to use, he is struggling to find a word for a black woman in a relationship with a with a white man (there was some context too to the story), anyway, the most politically correct word he can find is “this negress”. Is that even a word? I know lioness is a word. But negress?

  19. Lion, lioness, negro, negress, exit, egress. In each case the masculine followed by the feminine.

    It’s not considered politically correct these days of course.

  20. @ Jussi
    Certainly it is a word and was used when I was young. but so was “actress” and that is now forbidden. Politically correct – almost certainly not: it should be “woman of color” – with the incorrect spelling of “colour”. It is plausible that the PC phrase (they don’t do word when phrases can be used) is “victim of white patriarchal sexual oppression”.

  21. Egret?


    But I pendant, pointlessly. Because this stuff is pointless. I mean, when I was young and this was all new, I was on board with Cassius Clay wanting to call himself Mo Ali. Fine, I thought (wrongly). If that is what he wants to call himself, and I have no cause to be discourteous to him (assuming I ever meet him), then why not?

    But ackcheloi, it was a big ol’ verbal and linguistic power play by the hulking mega-athlete: this stuff is all about power, it’s about making everyone else dance on egg-shells, skiddadle (sick?) likes cats on hot tin roofs, constantly shifting the ground and the culture. It’s 2 + 2 = 5.

    And my courtesy has been abused.

  22. Jussi I can help your neighbour here. The word for a black woman in a relationship with a with a white man is miscegenation and it also works for a white woman in a relationship with a with a black man.

    The fruit of a union of the latter type used to be called a poor little bastard but nowadays it’s a means for single mothers to queue-jump for social housing and hence progressive. Your neighbour should avoid any reference to this aspect because it demonstrates a woeful lack of empathy.

  23. You got it, Mr Lud. Per Dalrymple:

    “Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.”

    To wit:

    “When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

  24. Jussi

    I assume “coalburner” and “mudshark” can apply to either sex when copulating with people of sub-saharan origin.

  25. Jussi I can help your neighbour here. The word for a black woman in a relationship with a with a white man is miscegenation and it also works for a white woman in a relationship with a with a black man.

    Is your pointy hat cutting the blood flow to your brain? I’m told the fix for that is to build a huge 30 foot cross in your front garden and set it on fire.

  26. They tell me that she only released this apology because she had been found out….

    What I want to know is: ‘How do you ‘find out’ if there is no such thing as race?’

  27. assume it’s that she has said that she’s black when she ain’t.

    Remember – sex and gender? Social constructs.

    Race and culture? Immutable inherent characteristics.

  28. Jussi said:
    “White jew who can pass as black? My spidery senses detect bullshit and mental illness”

    What about her partners? Hopefully they just didn’t mind.

  29. @ TMB
    My ex-wife commenting to me about our daughter who was fucking a black guy, “People ought to stick to their own tribe”, not aware that I was co-habiting with a Chinese lass (and still am).
    Helps to explain the ex- in ex-wife.

  30. Schoolboy humour from the 50s (so probably originated much earlier):

    Q. When is a door not a door?
    A. When it’s a negress.

  31. @john galt
    Miscegenation being how the current race Identity crowd portray it, a white person living with a black person is the worst racist of the lot, just hiding their deep guilt and patronising the other non-white party

  32. John Galt: Is your pointy hat cutting the blood flow to your brain? I’m told the fix for that is to build a huge 30 foot cross in your front garden and set it on fire.

    Do you only want to “cancel” dictionaries or are there other books you would like to burn as well?

  33. So, Aint Jemima rides again! Oh lawdy lawdy, I is so O-pressed by dem turrble wypipo, Oh, wait, no I isnt! Oy veh, the sufferink!

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